My Coming Out Story

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To whoever saw the unedited version (the one before this), I have decided to make it neater and fix mistakes. As there was also some incorrect information about me as I find out more about myself. AND, some small bits were removed because I don't want this book to be too, too dark!

Let's start with the basics.

Hi! I'm Max. Maybe? Lately, I have so been not loving this name, tbh. I've been thinking about going with maybe Syrus? But I'm not sure. Max has a place in my heart, so for now, I'm sticking with that. You know, that's my chosen name. Far more different from my birth one! I'll delve into how I chose it later.

I am a bio female, but consider myself Non-binary. I use she/they as my main pronouns, but you can use whatever you feel like, because honestly I just don't mind, most of the time. I only dislike certain titles, which you don't have to worry about.

I am Bisexual/Lesbian/Pan/Aro (Haven't quite figured out which it is yet, lol) with, either way, a STRONG preference towards girls Cause, I mean... girls???

In this chapter, I will tell you how I chose my name, how I found out my identity, and how I told my parents. :)

How I found my sexuality out:

I found out I liked girls back in late 2016, early 2017.

To put it easy: I had a neighbor: her name was Avery.

It started when I started my Youtube channel. I was, as much as I don't want to admit it, SUPER into Gacha. I met a friend through it, though.

Her name was... let's say Karen for the sake of this story. Just because I wanna erase the Karen = bad stereotype. She was super nice. We lightly teased each other, all in good humor of course.

Keep in mind this is when Youtube had the chat feature. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

So she introduced me to three people. Mandy, Purple, and Kittens.

We all became real close. We were all females, honestly. To be honest, the only boys I ever got on real well with were my brothers when I was younger. As I got older I was able to connect a bit better with guys, but I took after my mom and only really attach to older guys, I guess. (Daddy issues, ahem)

I started becoming more and more close to particularly Avery. After a few months, and FOREVER of confusion on what I felt, we finally started dating. She was only around 3 years older than me.

I genuinely cared about her. But, after we started dating... things changed with her. She would say things, and, it hurt. I won't lie. I think that's why I have some low self esteem today, because before her, you know, I was kinda okay with myself.

After a year, she broke up with me. I felt so messed up for still loving her after all she done to me. Not only had she tore me down beyond anything: but also tried to get physical. I won't go too deep into any of that, but, yeah. Things were ended.

So, I drowned my feelings with my other friends, who, all by the way, HATED Avery.

After we broke up, I started dating Mandy. It wasn't RIGHT after, I say a few months? We kinda had a thing for each other while be were both in other relationships (at the same time I was kind of exploring the possibility of me being Polyamorous - however, I soon realized I wasnt :)

Let me tell you: this chick was the girl I was gonna marry. I could see my whole entire future when I looked into her smile. I think my problem is, I fall in love waaaaayyyy too hard way too quick lol

The relationship ended. It hurt, of course. I cried for forever. We were on good terms, albeit it hurting. She just wasn't ready for a commitment, so I broke things off for us. It was hard, but I'm glad we weren't on bad terms. The last time we talked, was a year ago and she was happy as could be. She's wants to start dating in College, and honestly, good for her. Im happy that she's doing better! We haven't talked since

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