Recognizing The Small

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Today, here, and now, we will be recognizing smaller lgbt guides. I think I have enough reads for this.

closetedstorm - Queer Story 101

stahp_dat_nonsense - How To LGBT

nashidragnee3654 - Lgbtq+

ToxicChick_PTV - The LGBT+ United

LGBTQ_Kingdom - Love Your Self

safe-space - Explainer

LGBTQ_Youth - LGBTQ+ Teen Project

DeadEmoChild13 - A Coming Out Guide

StarBurn22 - The LGBTQA+ Guide

DeathDarknessAndUwU - A Guide To Being Gay

Zoey_Rivers - LGBT Survival Guide

charlotteepic - Ways To Come Out

lime_satan - Guide To Lgbt Terms

StagedPython - LGBTQ+ Dictionary

Justin2342 - LGBTQIA+ Guide

JamesRabon04 - A Teen Boys Guide To Being Gay

A_Very_Bored_Persin - Queer-

Eviewolf27 - LGBTQ+ Survival Manual

Venba_art - LGBTQ+ Guide

shmoomlymoomly - List Of (Lesser Known) Sexualitys For The Questioning

@i-simp-for-angeldust - The Ultimate Gay Handbook

Those are all the small guides I have found. If you have an Lgbt guide, let me know, and you'll be featured! Or you can look for small guides too. Let me know! Please, PLEASE go give them a read everyone!

Just so everyone knows, I have read Toxic Chicks book wrong. I thought it said they only had a 100 and some. I didn't see the k. I'll keep it on here, though, so go check it out anyway!

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