Project 2025

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Hello all, as you know its been awhile. And by awhile, I mean AWHILE. Sorry about the lack of updates. Life happened. I started a new job (my first job, actually) where I work into the late night, and close. On top of being in school, finally making a friend and getting out of the house, I haven't had a bunch of free time. And not gonna lie, the free time I do have, I'm using it to sleep, lol. Hoping for more downtime next year because surprise surprise that's when I graduate! Will be more updates by then hopefully. Hopefully, there's still those of you here to read this after a long hiatus.

BUT. That's not what we came here to talk about. We came here to talk about the dreaded Project 2025. Brought to my attention by @rainbowboy365.  

Bills in Republican controlled states - such as Florida and Texas - aim to not only ban schools from discussing anything LGBTQ related, but also restricting trans kids from having access to bathrooms and participating in school sports. They'll make it a felony for supportive parents and doctors to provide gender affirming care. They'll ban LGBTQ themed library books, and forcing schools to out children to their parents - no matter what this means for the child.

Families with trans children who has previously lived in red states have fled to blue states for their children's safety. Kids from unsupportive and abusive homes now have to fear for their lives every second of every passing day.

Project 2025 is a conservative collaboration that has been in the works for the past 40 years. Written by many Christian extremist groups that had been behind the anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ legislation. The booklet is 920 pages long and it describes their ultimate goal to extend the power of a Republican president. They wish to overthrow democracy and turn the US into a far-right. IF this project gets enacted, it will be a mass genocide across the United States, the same place that is claimed to be 'free'. Project 2025 will give anti-equality politicians the right to end the existence of diversity and inclusion, and essentially demolish every civil rights and protection laws for LGBTQ people. This will legalize a nationwide "Don't Say Gay" law that will, of course as we all know it, essentially banning everyone from supporting anything LGBTQ related.

Not only this, but Project 2025 also attempts to ban abortion across the nation, and erase LGBTQ culture as we know it.

I'm simply here to warn, I could write chapters on chapters on this subject, so I urge you to do your own research.

This is a huge issue, obviously, and shouldn't be taken lightly. With 2025 right around the corner, and the election even sooner, this will become a reality if we don't all play our part of put a stop to this. I urge you all to sign this petition: in hopes of together, putting a stop to Project 2025. 

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