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Passing as your preferred gender can be hard. Especially if the people around you are transphobic. However, there are steps you can take to pass as your preferred gender. Today, i'll be giving you tips and tricks on how to pass as your preferred gender - secretive and non-secretive ways.

Passing as a female when your family is transphobic.
Passing as a female when you're male can be hard. Especially because most of society see's it as weird, and might call you hurtful names. However, there are some not-so-subtle ways of passing as a female.

1.) 'Cosplay'. Buy a wig, dress, skirt, whatever, and tell your family that you are cosplaying. Explain to them what it means if they don't know what it is. If you're young enough - tell them its for school.

2.) Grow your hair a tad bit longer. Boys are, according to gender stereotypes, supposed to have short hair, and girls are supposed to have long hair. However, growing your hair a tad bit longer seems to be acceptable for most people.

3.) Wear not so masculine clothes - but not too feminine clothes. Shop in the girls section - but try to find the least feminine looking thing you can.

Passing as a female when your family is supportive.
So maybe your family isn't transphobic. That's great! Passing will be a lot easier - and you'll be able to work yourself up to surgery.

1.) Grow your hair.

2.) Wear and shop for feminine clothing.

3.) Take pills to make your voice higher pitched.

4.) Pack.

5.) Buy bra's and stuff them with things like cloth to create an allusion of breasts.

6.) Ask people to call you, 'she/her'.

7.) Wear make-up.

How to pass as a male when your family is transphobic.
So, you're FtM? That's cool! A lot of people are. However, a transphobic family can get in the way of your happiness, and that's not okay! Here are some ways to pass.

1.) Cut your hair. Many feminine girls have short hair, so your family won't look too into it! Unless they're that transphobic, but hopefully not.

2.) Buy in the boys section, just try to buy simple tees, tanks, and shorts.

3.) Bind. Don't let your family know. There are lots of free binding places out there for young trans people you can get from. A separate chapter will be made for that.

4.) Don't wear make-up if you do. Not all girls wear make-up.

How to pass as a male when your family is supportive.

1.) Bind with new binders.

2.) Dress like a boy.

3.) Sell your make-up.

4.) Cut your hair.

5.) Take pills to make your voice deeper.

6.) Ask people to call you 'he/him'.

How to pass as non-binary when your family is transphobic.
Not only do FtM and MtF's have it hard, but so do non-binary's!

1.) Dress in simple cloth types. Plain tees, tanks, and shorts will work. You can shop in any department you'd like.

2.) Do whatever you feel is right to you with your hair. If you're biologically female, you might choose to keep it long, if you're biologically male, you might choose to keep it short. This one depends on how you feel is right.

3.) Wear beanies. Beanies are great for non-binary people.

How to pass as non-binary when your family is supportive.

1.) Dress in a gender neutral type way.

2.) Ask people to call you, 'They/Them/Ze/what you feel is right'

3.) Do your hair as you please.

4.) Train your voice to sound more non-binary/how you want it.

And there you have it, folks! This chapter took about a day/ a day 1\2, plus I was writing other chapters. That's why it took so long to get out. A week (which is about the last time I posted - Valentine's day 2020) is a long time. Especially to keep you all waiting. As always, love you all, stay safe, babes 😘

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