All Pansexuals ARE NOT Polyamorous

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A common misconception about Pansexuals' are that they are all Polyamorous. This is NOT true! While it might be true that some Pansexuals' are Poly, not all of them are. Lets start out with the meaning.

Polyamorous, often referred to as Poly, is someone who is willing to be in multiple relationships at once. (With everyone's consent of course.)

Pansexual, often referred to as Pan, is someone who feels attraction to all genders.

Being Pan does NOT mean you're Poly.

Someone could be Bi and Poly. Or Lesbian and Poly. Gay and Poly. Etc, Etc.

Being a certain sexuality does not define wether or not you're Poly.

Sorry! This is short! :(

I'm really busy right now, but I'm trying my best to get chapters out for this, plus working on other books I have in drafts at the moment. Covid-19 is tough! How are you guys doing during the pandemic? I hope you all are safe and healthy! Love you all, my beautiful little walkers. ;)

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