Sneak Peak

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Contently, he sat watching a game of galactic sports. It seemed that the opposing team was severely beating his team. He growled, clenching his fist when the opposing team scored. The planet Taogonzola team had scored four points over the team he was rooting .for

He chuckled darkly. It seemed that Taogonzola didn't know their place. Sadly, he would have to pay their planet a visit. He watched the Taogonzola team fly to the opposing team's post and shoot the rocket into the goal. He let out a frustrated groan just as the door to the room slammed open.

"Master! Master!" The small creature's panic voice filled the room. The whinny voice irked him.

"What!?" The deep timbers of his voice echoed off of the walls sending frightening shivers down the small animal-like creature's spine. The creature winced, looking down at the floor. He knew the price of making eye contact with his master. The month in the putrid smelling dungeons with the the captured aliens had instilled that lesson into him.

"Your-your fighters they-they-"

"Get out with it." He snapped. The creature winced, the fumes of his fear filling the air making the man wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"Your fighters they're all dead."

For a few moments the man eyed the fragile creature. It looked like an overgrown rodent standing on two legs. "And how did they die?"

"She took them out?"

"Who, who took all my fighters out? A name, I want a name?"

"May I approach you?" The rodent creature asked, eyes still on the blackened stoned floors.

"Yes, you may approach."

Cautiously the creature approached his master, shaky hands bringing a picture closer to his master. Taking too long for his liking, the man snatched the picture making the creature wince expecting a hit.

Cold blue eyes flashed white when he looked at the picture then flickered back to blue. In the picture was a brunette girl with hazel eyes with flecks of green, holding up a jail card, shooting her arm in the air. It was a mug shot.

The man smirked. "You're telling me that this little girl, this little delinquent managed to take out all my fighters, some of my best fighters? A woman?"

The rodent nodded, gulping slightly feeling his master's rage beginning to fill the air. All of a sudden it stopped, and shockingly his master's chuckle filled the tension filled air.

"This little thing killed my men." The man whistled lightly. "This fragile, beautiful looking thing killed my man."

The man leaned back in his chair, plotting and contemplating. After what seemed like forever he finally spoke. "How do you draw a mouse into a trap?"

"You bait them, master." The rodent was a little less scared now seeing the good mood that his news had brought.

"Yes, but that would take too long. I don't want to bait, I just want to take." Fingers tapping his chin, the man finally added. "You can also draw mouse into a trap by simply catching it."

The rodent gulped, not saying anything. He knew what his master was capable of, and he knew how cruel and barbaric his master was. The calculating glint was clear in his master's eyes. Someone please save that girl because he knew she was now on his list. She had caught his attention, and that was not good. Not good at all. Once his master had something in sight, he got it. He always got it.

"I want her. What is her name?"

The rodent's stomach clenched. Nausea hit him as he realized he was signing this girl's fate by giving him her name. He hoped the girl would forgive him. "Avril."


"Avril Bright, master."


So lately my wrtier's juices has really been flowing. I've started writing, but will not be letting any chapters out until I have a reasonable amount under my belt. If I do start letting them out, I'll get writer's block and I don't want to have to put my story on hold because I have serious writer's block.

So here is a sneak peak. This scene really doesn't fit into my prologue for the first book, so I decided to add it here. This is a sneak peak of things to come.

Comments, inferences, thoughts? Love you all guys!

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