An Eye For an Eye

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Song: Kesha - Blow

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"Dad." I whispered staring into the same green eyes I've seen for the past eighteen years of my life.

A flash of confusion flashed across his tired eyes as he squinted at me. "You look so familiar, yet I have no clue who you are."

I swallowed the hard lump forming in my throat. It was not like I thought this would be a happy reunion between him and I, but I had least thought he may have known who I was. For a few moments, I could only stare at him still sucking in his weathered features. It didn't take a rocket science to figure out that he had been through hell and back while being here. Faded and fresh scars littered his wrinkly skin. His dimmed green orbs were hollow with dark circles rimming the bottom of them.

His hand that was currently gripping mine was thin and cold. An occasional tremor would pass through his body, shaking my hand, and that knowledge all alone made a part of my heart crumble.

"Your," I sucked in a breath feeling my stomach tighten. I never even thought of the possibly that I would clam up and be almost afraid to reveal myself to him, yet I was. I didn't know what would happen if my dad rejected me. I was use to people rejecting me and discarding me in my life, but to have my own dad do the same would scar me tremendously. It didn't matter if I had just met him either. Just by being in his presence, I was already feeling a small void in my heart filling. Just by knowing my dad was okay and could possibly be in my life, I was already feeling a tumultuous cloud on loneliness that always seemed to flutter over me dismantling,

Closing my eyes, I let out a breath of air. "I'm your daughter." I opened my eyes to see his widened to the size of two saucers. "I am Avril Bright."

Silence descended on us again as he stilled in my arms. For what felt like hours his inquisitive gaze searched my face. The moment that realization seemed to dawn on his face almost felt to surreal to describe. Silently, I watched as the wary, tired look of his face faded away into a hopeful expression. His dim eyes brightened. His painful frowned flipped into a wary smile, and the weak grip on my hand grew tighter.

He opened his mouth and a dry, croaky voice filled the air. "I haven't see my daughter..."

"Since I was a baby, and you fought to save me and mom." I managed to get out nearly on the verge of tears seeing his eyes water. Happy tears...I was so unused to those.

He looked at me a wobbly smile beginning to form on his face as he slowly began to shake his head. "No." He croaked. "I thought....It can't be." He shook his head in denial, his voice heavy with emotions.

The hopeful, yet severely defeated croak of his voice was my undoing. "I'm Avril dad! The daughter of a Nobellian and Angelus." I cried, covering my mouth. Tears of happiness and sorrow began to spill down my face.

My dad, my real father, was here in the flesh. I remember being a little girl in my foster home. I would lay on my bed at night, staring up at the ceiling. To go to sleep I would imagine how my parents were, how they looked like, how good they would treat me if only they would find me and take me away from the horrible place. Every night I would pray that they would find me, but they never did.

Now as I stared at my father, I could hardly believe that it was real. He wasn't a distant figment of my imagination anymore. He was here.

His eyes scanned my face as I did the exact to him, memorizing every feature of him again. He looked age and withery. The only thing lively about him were his green eyes. He had a long white beard to match his long hair. He looked broken and beaten. Seeing this, my heart broke....again.

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