The Truth

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Complete mayhem.

Loud bewildered chatter filled the ballroom, echoing off the walls making the volume even louder.

"This is an outrage!" A voiced yelled.

"There is no way she could be our princess, Selene chose Belladonna over two months ago clearly. We were all there. It was on the news, in the papers, this is a hoax!" Another yelled.

"She'll ruin this nation!" Someone else yelled with pure venom in their voice. I winced, that comment hitting home.

"Fuck you all! Avril is the princess and obviously Selene thinks so too!" An enraged voice yelled that oddly sounded like Kaiya's.

I was still in the same spot with the same baffled look like many of the people in the audience. The hot white lights still battered down on me while the confusion and shock froze me to the spot.

The announcer was holding the microphone looking out at the angered crowd anxiously. I watched as his adam's apple bobbed as he gulped nervously. He opened his mouth and then proceeded to close it, not knowing rather or not he should intervene with the raging audience, fearing they would turn their rage on to him.

A flash of navy blue had me turning my head fully to the announcer, Harmony grabbed the microphone bringing it up to her lightly glossed lips. "Now everyone, please calm down." She soothed and I felt her powers working. It was like a calming blanket being placed on all of us, easing our crazy thoughts and making us think more sensibly.

Holy shit, am I the Golden Princess? This absolutely made no sense. I knew for a fact there could only be one princess so what did that mean.  Was I or Belladonna the princess? Thinking so much about it, made my head throb forming a headache. And here I thought this awakening crap would be over like that. I had been so fucking wrong. Now people were screaming at me, accusing me to be a liar, belittling me. Avril didn't sign up for this crap.

"There has obviously been a mistake somewhere with the choosing of the Golden Princess and we will look deeply into it. The ball is dismissed." She announced sternly looking into the audience and handed the microphone back to the announcer. The audience hearing the authority in her voice and seeming not being able to break away from its clutches, begin to make their way out. Not before they cast one last lingering glance at me.

Someone grabbed my arm, pulling me from my deep thinking. I looked up into a pair of concerned brown eyes. Elation and sympathy flowing in her eyes, seeming to not know which one to lean onto more.

"Let's go," Mist urged. She didn't have to tell me twice. I didn't want to be up here any longer than I had too, and I definitely didn't want to be in the spot light after this fiasco. We sped walked down the stairs, Mist leading me on.

"Wait!" Zotar's demanding voice halted us in the action. Letting out groans we both turned around, the family slowly walking towards, confusion mixed in all their features.

"I have no idea what to make out of this situation." Harmony was the first to speak. I gazed down, shuffling my feet, feeling all their stares boring into me. They acted if I knew the answers. I was as perplexed as them.

Aeon and Nydale pushed through the circle the family had made around me, as if they were trapping me in it. "What the hell is going on?" Aeon spoke looking at us bewildered. "Who is the princess Avril or Belladonna?"

"Me of course, I don't know what she did but she's a liar." Belladonna pushed at me, glaring at me seething.

I stumbled backwards, but caught myself. "Why in the hell would I want to rule this place!" I snapped angrily, pissed at her statement. I've been through hell living here. Why would I want to rule my hell? "And I may be a lot of things, but a liar? Over this? Get real. Yeah, I lie like everyone else once in a while, but how in the hell could I fucking lie about this!" I exclaimed, breathing heavily and shoving her back.

"You just did, I know it. I'm the Golden Princess so just admit you did something!" She yelled,  eyes glinting and glowing blue.

"You admit!" I fired back and she shut her mouth, still glaring daggers at me. I glowered back with equal fierceness.

"We'll figure this out," Harmony soothed trying to cool down our heated argument.

"I know how to figure it out." Ike spoke up, finally bringing his input into it.

"How?" Everyone's head whipped to him. However, his gaze stayed on me, making my stomach clench nervously from how much heat was in them. His eyes begin to burn enchantingly, splaying into that violet that secretly I had really missed.

I felt my breath stop as he began to stalk towards me, like a predator approaching its prey. With confidence oozing off of him, he got into my personal bubble.

I could've swore I told him not to ever get in my personal space a month or so ago. I began to back paddled from him. "Ike, what the fu-" My back hit the wall, him lingering over me, trapping me with his arms. They were saying something, telling him something, but it all died down to a distant buzz as I stared into his eyes. Losing myself, once again, I felt the pull and once again it felt like only me and him were here.

The closer he got the more his warmth seeped into me. Softly, his lips touched mine and caused an instant reaction.

Fire erupted.

Molten pleasure shot through my entire body encasing me in a ray of delight and desire. He pulled back and our eyes locked; lust and hunger dancing deeply in both of  them. This was exactly what I imagined my first kiss would be with him. Like a pleasure overload and a rush of my senses exploding into pure blissfulness. It was almost indescribable.

His hands were now gripping my waist, burning me to the core. I knew I should've pushed him away, but something was urging me on, pushing me forward. Something within me that overwhelmed me.

Without a second thought, my arms circled around his neck pulling him closer and I crashed my lips against his. It felt like my stomach was having mini earthquakes, my legs felt like jelly and I begin to fall only for him to catch me. Breathing deeply, Ike's lips moved hungrily against mine, he pulled me even closer keeping me up. Against my stomach, I could feel his desire. I tangled my hands through his hair, flowing it down the back of his head, and then softly gripping the nape of his soft hair.

 I had never felt something like this before, the kissed had literally sent me out of this world. He nipped at my lip and I opened eagerly, letting our tongues meet.  I never did this before, so I let Ike take the lead, which he happily obliged.  His hands that were now resting on the small of my back, moved to my ass and softly gripped them in his hands.

The entire kiss sent me over the edge filling me with thirst I had never felt before as I moved my lips against his passionately, our tongues dancing together. He pulled back and still lost in the moment, I followed connecting our lips again and craving my appetite. Letting out a light groan, he kissed back and then a few moments later effectively pulled back from me leaving me burning with want.

His eyes were ignited to a deep indigo, both of us were breathless and he smiled at me. "You're eyes are glowing gold." He whispered breathlessly. His lips were so close to mine that I just wanted to pull him back, but now that I was slowly cooling down from the high I knew that I lost the battle of giving Ike the cold shoulder. Awareness and common sense was beginning to flood back in bringing an saddening amount of defeat.

Softly his hand grazed my cheek, shots of tingles spreading from that simple touch. I wanted to hate it, but I couldn't. My shoulders drooped. His glowing dark eyes burned into mine, emotions swirling intensely.

"You're my kindred spirit, Avril. You are the Golden Princess." He whispered.

Chapter problem is fixed...might be my browser hmmm

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