The Golden Ball Part 1.

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Okay this is where the whole story got started with this one idea so I'm really glad to finally be able to write about it!

Song: Mary J. Blige - Family Affair

"Oh my gosh Avril, what happened to your dress?" Mist gasped, a worried hand going up to her mouth, seeing the condition of my dress which hung limply in my arms.

My eyes glinted angrily. Throwing the lifeless dress on the ground fuming, I crossed my arms trying not to punch something. "Sticky happened", I decided I wouldn't tell Mist about how Belladonna had let it into my room and just skimmed over that important fact. I would get Belladonna later for this, all by myself. If Belladonna wanted to play dirty, then I could too.

Mist frowned. "Aw poor thing. . .but wait I know just a dress", Mist slipped out of the room before I had time to reply. Silence engulfed the bedroom, my anger simmering. I could feel it pumping through my ears, rushing through my veins like a dormant volcano churning, ready to burst. But I wouldn't give in to this anger. I had to play my cards right. I stared at the wall still seething for what seemed like a hour, until Mist skipped back into the room. A white long bag draped over her arm while a gleeful smile decorated her face.

"Okay Avril," She let out a breath as she walked over to her pink bed and gently sat the bag down. "I think this fits the occasion to a T and it's hot", she squealed. Grabbing the bag she ripped it off dramatically and presented me the dress.

My temper vanished and my mouth dropped.

"Mist it's. . ."

"Amazing, hot, gorgeous, yes Avril you do love me, huh huh?" She smirked, placing her hands on her slim hips, pleased by my reaction.

I laughed, my face lighting up as I walked up to the dress. The fury that had bubbled in me was now replaced by excitement and relief. I ran my hands delicately along the fabric, it was so soft. My eyes scanned the ruby red dress, completely speechless.  I loved it, it was definitely better than my first dress choice.

Secretly I applauded Belladonna for her bitter sabotage. She had unintentionally awarded me with an even better dress to whoo Ike with. Inwardly I smiled, thanks Belladonna for letting Sticky inside my room, I silently thought. She would never get another thank-you from me again rather it was mentally or verbally.

"Okay let's do your makeup", Mist clapped animatedly and for once I was all for it.

* * * * *

"Princess." A female servant burst into the room. Mist and I both turned our heads to the door at the sudden intrusion. The woman seemed to cower under our stare, like we would eat her up and spit her out if she said one word to our disliking. "The ball has already been in session for a half an hour, your father wants you to hurry."

"Well he can stick that hurry up his ass", Mist muttered lowly, turning back to me and messing with my hair some more. I glanced up at her perplexed.

"Pardon me?" The servant asked in a quiver, not hearing Mist.

Mist huffed through her nose and whipped around to the servant "Okay, we'll be there soon", she flickered her hand annoyed and with a bow and nod, the servant was gone.

For a few seconds I stared at the door, seeing the imaginary smoke tracks where the servant had hightailed her ass out the room, before I spoke. "That was mean."

She shrugged flippantly. "I don't care. My dad is an ass." It still shocked me when Mist cursed. Secretly, I believed her cursing was because of my influence. I guess I was a bad influence. "And he can wait. After all, there's nothing wrong with being fashionably late." I laughed with her, agreeing fully with her.

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