I'll Be

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Song: Edwin Mccain - I'll Be

A very BIG thank you to FlorenceisCrazy for making this beautiful banner for the Lethal Princess. I absolutely love it!!!

Ike's P.O.V

"Baby, let's conjoin,",Belladonna purred in my ear, softly and sensually kissing down my neck. Closing my eyes, I bit my lip. She's your kindred spirit, it's quite simple just do it, I told myself wanting to be able to just conjoin with Belladonna and get over with it, but then a brunette girl who had a magnet for trouble popped up into my head. I groaned.

Quickly, grabbing Belladonna's wandering hands that were now in my boxers, I pulled them out and effortlessly lifted her off of me. I'm not even going to lie, normally I would have happily let her hands continue what they doing but now it felt wrong. Her touch gave me goosebumps and not the good kind either, but the ones where an icy shard of disgust ran down your spine while you broke out in wave of hives.

"What are you doing?" She hissed out. The steamy look that had been in her bright blue eyes now replaced with incredibility and anger. Her dress was hiked up and it was clear that she had planned this whole thing out by the calculating flare to her eyes. Only months ago I would'vde fallen into her trap, but now it was different. Everything had changed.

I scooted up, sighing and running my hands through my short hair.  Shaking my head, I could still see Avril in my head, her soft mischievous smile lighting her face. We sat in silence while I wondered what was wrong with me. The room was completely silent except for the sound of the harsh rain outsider. The raining outside had picked up since the last time, I noticed, and it was now thundering and pouring down rain. Angry pelts hit the closed window while Belladonna silently seethed next to me.

I turned to Belladonna seeing the anger and disappointment on her face. "I just don't want to do this." I knew she couldn't understand but I just didn't want her...at all. No matter what Selene said. My attraction that I once felt so strongly for Belladonna, like a raging fire had now fizzed out. The flame had been blown out and now I only felt myself ignite when I was near a different brunette.

 I wanted, no needed Avril. Belladonna constantly threw herself at me and tried to capture all my attention especially when Avril came into view which pissed me off. And even though I wanted to just throw her off of me and storm up to Avril and kiss the hell out of her, I knew I couldn't. For Belladonna was my kindred spirit, my soul mate for eternity. My stomach dropped at this and then clenched. Hissing through my teeth, I bowed my head as the painful sensation slowly left my body. I had been having this stomach ache all day and I didn't know why. I thought it would wear off but sadly it had not.

"Are you serious right now? You're honestly turning me down, all of this down." She motioned to her alluring physique. I admit it was nice, but I had seen better. Avril type of better. "I'm the most beautiful woman in this nation and any man would jump to be in your spot, Ike." She laughed, but it lacked any humor. It was more of a cackle then a laugh to be honest. The condescending cacophonous sound made me scowl.

I only shrugged my shoulders my attention going from her to the pounding of rain on the window. "You just don't do it for me like you use to."

Thunder rumbled the quiet night air causing Belladonna to jump from next to me, her eyes narrowed and then glinted. "Are you just going to stand there and look dumb or are you gonna fuck me Ike?"

I flinched, looking at her like she had lost it. Who in the hell says that? It's like I was a fucking item to her at times and all she wanted from me was my damn body and power. Some guys might feel confident about this but I felt used.

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