Haunted By His Empty Promises and Memories

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Song: Taylor Swift - Haunted

The green flickering lights alerted me that we were landing on Earth. I was resting against the ship's wall, knees up to my chest, and head laying on my knees. Every now and then I would sniff to alert myself that I wasn't completely dead. Well physically I was alive, mentally I'm not so sure. I could actually physically feel my heartache. It felt like really bad heartburn, and every now and then my heart would clinch and the pain would take my breath away. I glanced out the window and chuckled to myself, seeing the dark night sky.

For some reason I got deja vu. This reminded me of the story my mother told me when we met in my subconscious. I felt just like her at this moment. I was a crying, isolated, lonely, a depressed mess curled in a ball heading to Earth. 

Lazily, I twirled a strand of my hair, sniffing once more. My tears had dried on the journey here. I didn't feel like crying anymore. Despite the overwhelming amount of sorrow that hung over me like an irritating blanket, I felt numb.

I hated having a kindred spirit.

At that moment, Images of Ike's breathtaking smiling and us sharing an enchanting kiss under the stars flashed in my head. And sometimes I loved it.

The ship rocked slowly alerting me that we had landed. Painfully slow, I pushed myself up. Arms wrapped around myself, almost as if I was trying to hold onto the last string of control I had, I padded across the floor. I was still dressed in my black pants and black cotton long sleeved shirt. In my quick departure, I didn't have time to change into anything else. Squinting out of the screen window, my eyes grew wide.

Nostalgia and longing hit me. I recognized this place even if it was dark.

This was the baseball field Simon, Lilly, and I use to play on when we were little. I remember spending summer days out on this field with my friends running around without a care in the world. Then I would return home and all my worries would come chaining me back down.

 Now it was just a deserted opening where no one hardly visited anymore. The white baseball diamond paint had long since faded. It was now just a sandlot. The partial fencing around the field had small holes in it and leaned at a haphazard angle. Looking out at the field, my heart clenched as my memories came back to life full force. I could see us running around the field playing tag now. The sun basking us is warmth as our laughs echoed through the air.

Simon and Lilly, my two best friends. Would they still be the same? Would Simon still randomly snap his fingers out of the blue when he saw something he really liked, and would Lilly still purse her lips when she was in deep concentration? Would they welcome me with open arms or would they shun me for my sudden disappearance? How long had I been gone?

Only one way to find out.

After exiting the ship and putting a invisible cloak on it, I walked slowly through the small  dense forest. The chill nipped at my reddened nose and cracked lips. I knew this forest like the back of my hand. It was an easy short cut to get to Simon's house when I ran away from my abusive foster dad. All I had to do was cut through the baseball field and dive into the woods. Minutes later I would be back on the main street and only a couple houses away from Simon's house.

I remember one time my foster father had called for me while I had been in my room. I had been doing homework and had my way to him at a leisure pace. That had been my first mistake.

Once I had made my way to him, he had proceeded to scream at me for not coming to him quick enough and began insulting me on how I was worthless and useless. Gene, my foster father, had then began to threaten me that he would put me back in the system if I didn't start acting right. His threats to put me back in the system were normal, so I didn't pay him any mind. That had been my second mistake.

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