Trouble is a Friend (Picture of Zane)

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Song: Lenka - Trouble is a Friend

Dedication: Thank-you hotwakili for being my first commenter for this story. :)

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Picking up my bag, I followed everyone out wordlessly. I saw the back of Ike's head and desperately wanted to ask him where I needed go next, but decided against it. What happened yesterday still lingered in my mind, and being near him right now just didn't seem or feel like a good idea.

Looking at my wrist, I operated my navigator. This time I didn't jump when the woman's voice filled my head. She told me next was lunch, and I followed her directions as I went with the flow of students.

It's funny how in my old school when there was news of a new kid everyone was up on high alert to see them and judge them, but here they completely ignored me. Being in the hallway alone without a guide like Mist or Aeon was nerve wrenching, I admit. Even when the students barely glanced at me, it still felt like they were all watching. So you couldn't imagine the relief I felt, once I made it the cafeteria.

Pushing the doors opened, I stopped in my path and just stared at the scene in front of me. The cafeteria like every other place in this school was huge! Long, black, glossy rectangle tables were situated in the center where flowers in vases were placed delicately in the middle. The floor was a deep ruby red and at the back of the cafeteria there was another section. This section had the same tables except this area was situated on an elevated platform where ruby red stairs led up to it. The area was also curtained but the curtains were pulled back and tied with a gold holder and you could see people eating there. On either side of the cafeteria there were the lunch lines. I couldn't see what they were serving but I knew for a fact by the smell drifting in the air, the food was appetizing. Lights that hung above the table and randomly around the cafeteria illuminated the large room. Women and men dressed in the school's colors served the kids in the secluded section and also helped the students on the lower level but mostly tended to the needs of the kids at that secluded section.

"Can you move!" A high, melodic voice interrupted my ogling and I jumped, whipping around. A girl that I recognized from my last class, stood glaring at me, disgust reflecting out of her green eyes. Staring at her, I was at a lost of words. My complete admiration of the cafeteria had now left me speechless because any other time I would've gave someone a piece of my mind for talking to me like that.

"Move!" She pushed past me without even an "excuse me" and that's when I snapped out of my frozen-like state. I opened my mouth, no doubt about to push myself down the bottom of the school's food chain, because she appeared rather popular, when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

Eyes still hardened and flashing, they flicked to the tan skin hand and then to the amiable brown eyes of Nydale. "Don't", he spoke and I scowled at him. "You saw that! You don't actually expect me to let her get away with doing that do ya?"

I already knew his answer. "Yes."

He pulled me closer to him when I was about to object, "how about you follow me and I'll tell you a few things." Pushing my anger down, I followed him into the lunch line.

I learned that I was going to be sharing my lunch with the three boys: Ike, Aeon, and Nydale since the lunches were split up by grade level. The senoirs had this lunch, while 11-10 had the next and so on until it got to 6. The school only allowed 6 and up into the school and the grades lower had to go to the lower high.

The school, Letheria was also the most in demand academy and therefore people of all nations around went to this school including princesses and princes from the different nations. The section that I had saw that towered over the floor eating division was where the royals, that's what they're called, sat along with their friends which almost all the time were the other royals.

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