The Trouble With Love Is....

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Song: Disney Hercules - I Won't Say I'm in Love

I woke up, gazing dully at a black night stand. I could hear his voice, imagine the rush that came with his skin, and see his eyes. Those beautiful intense eyes that reminded me of an enchanting ocean on a mid summer morning or an intense ray of violet of some cosmic supernova. I closed my eyes seeing his breathtaking smile. Then I heard his laugh. I felt his lips on mine. The feathery touch of fingers on my back had me shooting up -that felt too real. I was going fucking crazy!

"Are you okay?" Simon's groggy voice asked. I nodded realizing that he had been the one touching my back. So I wasn't as crazy as I thought, but I knew my mind was fucking with me by creating all of these images of Ike. Glancing down at Simon, I tried to shove Ike away. Simon had a big ball of blonde messy hair, and his eyes were squinted as he sleepily gazed up at me.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. Was I having withdrawals now? If I refused to see him physically, was my mind going to actually conjure him up mentally? How far was this bond willing to go!

"You miss him?" Simon asked, scooting up into a sitting position. The sheets fell down to his lap, showcasing a pair of mouth-watering defined abs. Funny how even if he was gay I used to still get a slight rush from seeing his abs, but now I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. Wanna know why? I bet you already know the answer: Ike Aldav.

I had been gone for six days. Those days honestly felt like years being away from Ike. I hated this bond, I really did. It gave me these longing feelings to be with him and made me think about him constantly and crave for his touch. I had been hiding out in Simon's room for the past few days. He had secretly been giving me food, and we've been sneaking around his parents.

I also learned that my foster dad, Gene, had died from a stroke about three months ago, and my foster mom Carol had packed up and moved out of town. When Simon told me, he expected me to show some type of sadness but actually I didn't. I never liked Gene, and I just couldn't find it in me to cry for him. I didn't shed one tear for Gene. He was an evil man who made my life a living hell for years. However, I did feel some sympathy for Carol. Even though I hated Gene, she loved him and I knew she probably took his death hard.

The pelting of rocks on Simon's window alerted us to Lilly's appearance which successfully helped me avoid Simon's question. Lilly was my other best friend that I had left behind on Earth.

Lilly had found out a day after my arrival. She acted the complete opposite of Simon. Instead of logic and understanding, she had acted on emotions and rage. It took a lot of whispered screaming and demonstrating to get her to believe my story. She even tried to punch me in the face for leaving her. I dodged the fist, but it almost ended up in a brawl. Thank goodness Simon was there to intervene or me and Lilly's friendship could've been over and my secret could've been out.

Simon groaned, covering his face with his gray comforter. "You get it Av. I'm too tired to get up." He moaned lazily. I rolled my eyes, chuckling lowly.

"Fine." I sighed, rolling out of bed.

I padded across Simon's carpeted floor and lifted up the window, smiling down at my other blonde haired friend. "Hellooo Lilly." I smiled down at her, feeling the sunlight dancing on my skin, the actual sun, Earth's sun on my skin. Closing my eyes basking in it, I wished I had not. I remember basking in Terra's sun when Ike taught me how to perfect my lighting techniques.

"Hello aren't you going to lift me up?" Lilly asked from down below putting her hands on her hips expectantly. She was in for a rude awakening then.

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