The Arrival (Picture of Mist)

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Song: Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway

*A hour late after landing*

"Get out the damn ship before I break your arms!" Ike yelled. His hands were latched onto my ankles desperately trying to get me to let go of my death grip on the mini fridge. Thanks to him, the poor fridge had been dragged all though the ship and was now lodge at the entrance providing a safety anchor so I wouldn't have to face my doom.

His planet.

We had got here shortly after and as soon as I saw the planet, which was beautiful by the way, surface-wise. The planet had a mixture of cool colors, like blues, purples, greens swirled onto its surface that created a glow around the planet that was an incredible sight to see. I wished I could just pack it in my mind and store it away, where I could take it out and marvel at it. Anyways, when I saw that we were landing on that planet I ran for it, which was pretty hard since I was in a ship.

I hid in the room I had woken up in. Stupid idea, really. Since I didn't know how to lock the door securely, he easily came in when we landed. I told him I wasn't leaving the ship and he was all like:

"Oh yes you are!"

And then I was all like: "hell no! You'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming", snapping my fingers all self-righteously and popping my hip with attitude.

His eyes flashed for a second before he smirked with a mischievous glint and started to stalked towards me and I ran for it. We ran around the ship for a few minutes him being the chaser me being the chasee. He managed to grab me, I head butted him, and jumped for something to latch myself on to, which was the mini fridge door handle. And I already told you the rest so here we were.

It's been about twenty minutes and my grip still haven't eased up. He let go, and I quirked a smile keeping my eyes in the ship. If I saw anything else about this planet, it would just make me realize things I didn't want to realize.

"That you're really not human, and in, fact are an alien.

You have actually been kidnapped by aliens

Oh and my favorite you're on another planet, probably not going back home, and still don't want to face the facts." My inner voice listed off.

Mannn, I hated that thing more than Mr. Krabs hated Plankton. This reminds me of when SpongeBob didn't listen to Mr. Krabs about the hooks and so he had hooked himself by accident and was basically hanging on to the Krusty Krab's door for his life because he didn't want to die. Like a way.

His hand moved to my waist and for some reason I felt a small batch of butterflies erupt in my stomach. I ignored the small pleasurable feeling as he tugged again. And that's when I heard it, like something was breaking and before I even had time to process what it was, the handle of the fridge flew off and soared somewhere behind me. My anchor disappeared, which caused me to fall backwards with a scream. I heard a thud and then I fell onto something cushioned but hard at the same time.

"Get off of me." I heard a whispered hiss a few moments later as I laid dazed on the cushion. Immediately recognizing the angered voice, I scurried up. I stood to my feet breathing heavily, staring down at Ike's laying figure.

He slowly got up breathing deeply, with his hands clenched, glaring at the ground.


His voice was low and menacing.

"Run? Where did you expect me to go? I don't know where to go! Is this your little sick game? Kidnap girls and used them as your mouse while you're the cat. Well let me tell ya-"

The Lethal Princess (Completed) Wattys2015 WinnerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon