There was Nothing but Sad Goodbyes

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Song: Colbie Caillat - I Never Told You

Author Note: This chapter might be a little messy since I do jump from flashbacks to the present time, but stay with me.

"It all started nineteen years ago." She smiled at me sadly. "I was being forced to marry a prince I didn't want to be married to. He was arrogant, rude, and egotistical, does it remind you of someone?" She perked an extremely blonde eyebrow that was hard to see because it was just that light. I slowly shook my head and she laughed and scooted over so I could have more room on the boulder. Carefully I scooted over and looked up at her. There was a gentle breeze that splayed her blonde hair out around us. Her hair fell down her shoulders in waves reaching her waist. She smiled knowingly at me making me wonder was she hinting at Ike but I didn't ask. I didn't want to think about that jerk.

"Anyways being very rebellious then and to escape my unfair fate, I ran away." Her words deadpanned in the air, a breeze whooshing by and blowing both our hair. Glancing around at the sudden intrusion, I then I pushed my knees to my chest, listening intently. It looked like she was struggling and we had barely started. I wanted, no needed, to know of my past, my beginning, for me to fully grasp the person I am today. I needed to know this missing piece of me. It was so close, I could taste it.

"I didn't just run away though, I escaped to another planet. Back then we could leave the planet without having to tell the elders but after my big escape they changed things." She motioned her hand, "but that's not important."

Her distant, glazed eyes turned towards the sunset and I followed.

"I ran away and some how I ended up on Terra; the land of the elements. My ship landed disastrously and I barely managed to escape alive."

Flashback. Avril's mother P.O.V

I crawled out the ship weakly, scrapes and lacerations ran painfully along my body. Times like this I wondered why I was so reckless. I had barely made it out with every body part intact, and I had no idea why I would do something so incredibly crazy like this. When father found out, he would beat me black and blue, wait a few seconds for me to heal, and then repeat the process.

"I'm searching over here." A deep male's voice yelled.

My fearful eyes landed on the line of trees hearing the masculine voice. Already healed but still achy, I pushed myself up turning to my ship and did the first thing that came to mine. Quickly but assertively, I placed my hand on the ship's exterior and took a deep breath watching colorful essences crawl along the ship likes small snakes weaving through grass. It took only seconds for the ship to disappear, becoming invisible, while the colorful winds fizzled out vanishing just like the ship had.

Hopefully, I would be able to find a way to repair the ship after its crash landing and find a way off of this planet, but for now I would just have to rely on my powers to keep the ship undetected. Stepping away, checking one more time of the ship's invisibility, I barely had time to try to make myself invisible too when I was bombarded by a powerful current of wind.

Helplessly, my body was thrown through the air. I let out a surprised squeal but made no further noises, body colliding with the grassy field. I knew if I made too much noise, his other men would be alerted and I would most likely be killed before I even had a chance. Sitting up quickly, ready for the attack, I threw my hand out and watched the mystery man launch through the air and fall to the ground with a grunt.

It wasn't so fun when you were thrown now was it?

I could've ran, that probably would've saved me a lot of trouble but I didn't. My parents taught me to never run, but fight and take out the opponent. They had especially instilled it in my head with the war going on with the planets. Pushing my loose dress off, it fell silently to my waist and I arched my back feeling my newly developed wings sprout out. Small wisping sounds came from the breeze flowing through the wing's feathers. They were strong and sturdy, the long gray wings jutting out made me look like an avenging angel. A tight mid thigh length body suit covered me, but let my wings poke out freely. My hands glowed ready for my opponent to get up off the ground so I could kill him once and for all and then come up with a plan. Walking stealthily but silently towards the unmoving boy, I made sure my footsteps were as light as possible already feeling myself smiling knowing I was about to get into another battle. I loved the rush that came with a fight.

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