Mist's Story

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Song: Birdy - Skinny Love (A/N You should definitely listen to this song while reading. It sets the mood.)

"Hey Avril."

Mist's head cautiously poked into the bedroom, her timid eyes locked on me.

"Hey", I wanted my voice to come out a little bit loud and upbeat like it normally does, but it came out  dull and melancholy. I guess I was wanting a lot of things I couldn't have lately.

It was the next day and also the weekend. Probably in the middle of the afternoon or something, I wasn't for sure. As soon as I had woke up today, I had gotten a butler to fetch me food and stayed under the covers. Nice, cozy, and pain free. After Ike left me,  I didn't cry. . . the thought made me happy. Before I came or more like was taken here, I never cried. And now it seemed like I cried every other week or got scared at the smallest hint of danger. Remembering how I been so petrified with Zotar yesterday sickened me. Back on earth, I would've decked someone for trying to intimidate me or laughed in their face.

"But this isn't Earth." My mind reminded me.

And it was right, it wasn't Earth. Not by far. So what do I do?


Yes, that's exactly what I'll do. I'll freaking adapt to this damn planet. Ugh this annoying, frustrating, unknown stupid plan-

"Avril you hear me."

I jumped and turned to Mist, who was now standing by the door. I had almost forgotten about her.

Her brown locks were up into a perfected high ponytail and a soft pink gloss decorated her lips. Her honey brown eyes were more duller than I remembered and her usual perfected posture was drooped and gloomy. If her whole demeanor wasn't a shocker, what she was wearing blew me away. The usual pressed and elegantly Mist was wearing bum clothes. Black sweats and a big, navy blue long-sleeved shirt. It was so big that the shirt fell off her shoulder. Her hair and face contrasted greatly with what she was wearing.

Deciding to stop staring her down like she was some weird museum exhibit, I looked into her dull eyes and nearly winced.  It hurt to even look at them.  "What?" I managed to right myself.

She sighed softly, flicking her eyes down to the sand like carpet floor and then back at me. "I said, do you want to hang out today, I kinda miss you."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Kinda?"

A small smile graced her face, but the small sprout of happiness was overpowered by the sadness clearly displayed on her face. "I missed you Avril."

It didn't take me long to come up with an answer. I mean I'm changing my ways and adapting, I guess. The old Avril would wallow in self pity, but the new Avril jumped out of bed and walked up to Mist and knitted our arms together.

Who cares about Ike. Not me. He can choke on Belladonna's tongue for all I care!

* * * * * *

The wind blew lightly and now I was for sure I stayed in bed for half the day, considering it now looked like the afternoon. The Terra time set still confused me just a little. Mist and I were both in the backyard swinging on a rocking seat. We were in the heart of what looked like a maze, except it looked bizarre and exotic. Wild, colorful flowers grew out of the hedges making  it nearly impossible to catch up to Mist when she was leading us out here. I think she had been in the twilight zone because while I was dodging and ducking she was barreling through the maze at a pace that was increasingly hard to keep up with. Of course, it seemed like the flowers were moving out the way for her and jumping in my way but maybe that was my imagination. . .

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