I am the Golden Princess

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"I can't believe this."  Zotar was the first to speak, shock and skepticism written all over his face. I sat silently, hands folded in my lap, letting this all sink in while they argued among themselves.

We all were in his office. Zotar and Harmony behind his desk, while Belladonna, Ike, and I sat in three chairs in front of his desk. Mist stood next to me with her arms crossed looking perplexed, chewing on her lip. While Ingel sat on the edge of Zotar's desk with the same expression as Mist. Aeon and Nydale both stood behind me, arms crossed not saying anything, but standing there like two bodyguards.

Being in the office made me remember the time I had been in it alone with just Zotar and how I had barely escaped with my teeth intact. I winced at this thought but still didn't put what I thought into the argument all of them were having. Instead, I placed my head on my hand and leaned on the armrest watching the show unfold.

After the kiss, we had someone ended here. I didn't say anything to Ike, there wasn't anything to say. I was his kindred spirit. Plain and simple. The kiss had proved that since you can only get that sensation from kissing your true kindred spirit. He had explained that he never felt that with Belladonna, ever. The thought of being Ike's kindred spirit once upon a time would've made me happy and elated, but now all it did was make me angry. It was a little bit too late for love for me and Ike. It just was. That horrible, depressing period had passed and I wanted it to stay in the past, but now everything was happening at once and coming at me too quickly.

"She is! You saw that kiss. Goodness sake, Zotar that's how I kiss you! And Selene is back, she's obviously hasn't been happy, but now that it has been shown that Avril is the Golden Princess Selene is happy and showing herself again. Even when we sent her offerings at out sacred places and prayed for her return, she still didn't show!" Harmony rebutted back, looking like she was trying to calm herself down. For once she didn't seem as elegant like she normally did. Like everyone else she looked frustrated and sort of had a crazed glint to her eye, like any second she would blow up.

"This just isn't proper. How?" Zotar paused and then ran his fingers through his peppered hair heavily and then ran it down his face. "How? Why was is it shown that Belladonna the Golden Princess then?" He asked. The question made everyone's head snap to Belladonna, who had been surprisingly quiet during this whole mess. She looked up, anxiously fidgeting in her seat like she wanted to run. Warily, her blue eyes slid across everyone in the room before landing on the floor. It was almost refreshing to see her lacking her usual arrogant confidence.

"Belladonna?" Harmony questioned, sharpness and suspicion in her voice.

Belladonna bit her lip, still refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"Belladonna, what have you been lying to us about!" Ike barked out in between us, making me jump in my spot hearing the iciness and loathing in his voice.

Abruptly Belladonna looked up at him, her eyes watering and all I saw was love and anger in them as she gazed at Ike. Her misty eyes snapped to me and the emotion changed completely, now only showing pure hate and rage.

Her finger ruthlessly snapped to me. "Her!"

"Me?" I pointed at myself, rasing my eyebrows at her tone- like nails on a chalkboard.

"Yes, you!" She hissed out, scowling at me. "It's all your fault!"

I opened my mouth to speak but she spoke over me.

"You popped up out of the blue fully uninvited and then everything went downhill from there. I had it all, just where I wanted him and everything in my life. Everything was going perfectly and then little Miss. Avril came and ruined everything for me. He was mine. The status, the power, and this kingdom was suppose to be mine! Everything was suppose to be mine!" She exclaimed, spittle flying from her mouth. Her eyes had began to burn with tears, tears full of her resentment and fury towards me.

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