The Battle Field

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Song: Blackmill-The drift

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"Okay normally we would start class by pairing you up and having you do combat", Mr. Malec started, his eyes scanning the entire class. Most of the faces had boredom written all over them. "But today, I want to try something we haven't did in a while. . .we'll be outside for this."

"I bet it's battle field", someone muttered warily close to me and I glanced at Kaiya questioningly. Leaning into her, I whispered curiously, "what's the battle field?"

She shook her head moodily. "Dumb shit that gets too damn intense. . .but it's fun", she added reassuringly, seeing my face pale and become white.

The whole class trudged outside. Ike talking to the guy who had introduced himself to me at lunch, Silas? Yeah I think that's right. I couldn't help but notice how well the shorts we had to wear fitted his ass. I mean jeez look at those- I stopped my train of thought. I seriously needed to get a hold of myself. Forcing myself to look away from the very, very  nice view, I glanced at the sky. The sun was shinning bright, it's beams highlighting everything and warming the air. The sky was a pretty lavendar color with a few scattered thin cream clouds in it.

"So what are we going to do?" I questioned out loud as we made it to a large open field.

Scattered through out the field were blue and gold barriers. Blue barriers were on one side and gold was on the other. The barriers looked like they had been through hell and back. Black splotches decorated them which could only be from fire hitting them. On others there was caked on dry dirt and others looked like they were eroded. But connecting the pieces I'm sure water or air did it. Crossing my arms, I looked around warily. What the hell was going to happen here today?

Mr. Malec gave me an acidly stare. "Obviously I was going to explain before I was interrupted Avril. Don't do it again or you're going to go to detention." I huffed annoyed, keeping myself from cussing him out which I'm sure would earn me more than just one day in detention. Dumb bastard messing with my temper.

"Okay, so I'm going to split you folks up into teams. One, two, three, four, one-", I begin to tune him out while he split us up. I was scared shitless at what was going to happen. Looking at the barriers located randomly on the damaged grass, I could tell shit was about to go down. "Two", he pointed at me and then stepped back. "Evens are blue, odds are gold", he announced, his voice drifting through the whole field.

"Can two earth benders dig up the sides like we normally do", he asked rudely, clapping his hands.

A girl and a boy both stepped up, walking to the opposite sides of the field. I was closest to the guy so I watched him. The muscular boy closed his eyes and then quickly opening them, sucking in a breath of air, he made a scooping motion with his hands determinedly looking at the ground in front of him. A long rectangular shape of Terra (the soil) begin to lift up off the ground, leaving a similar gaping size pit.

Chunks of stray dirt fell from the dirt block but otherwise the shape stayed in formation as it levitated to the side and was placed right next to the dirt gorge. "And now can two kids fill up the holes up?"

Two more kids came up and once again I watched in unbelievable fascination. A girl walked up to the gorge and with her right hand begin to twirl her hand in a circular motion, her brown eyes never leaving the hole. Water begin to materialize out of thin air, it slowly filled up the hole until it was on the brink of spilling over. She turned back to Mr. Malec.

He nodded approvingly. "That was good, but next time make it faster", he hit the compliment down with an insult. What an ass.

The poor girl nodded vigorously and quietly came back to where the class was along with the other girl who had filled up the other pit on the other side of the field.

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