Eyes Open

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Taylor Swift - Eyes Open

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my troubling nerves.

I could hear the loud audience from just behind the blue satin curtains that separated us.

Just breath Avril. You can do this, I told myself, making my nerves finally settle.

Week two of being the Golden Princess. So many things have changed, so many things that have terrified me but yet made me stronger.

They had clarified that I was, indeed, the Golden Princess to the public the very next day after the ball. Some hated me and some liked me. From what I heard, many advocates thought I would be a big change to the leadership of the kingdom. At first, the thought of being the Golden Princess scared the crap out of me. I locked myself in the room I slept in for two days, till Mist finally managed to get me to leave. Only days ago, I was terrified of the public just behind those curtains, knowing half of them hated me.

But then I realized...I had the power now. I could change the way they thought of me. I could change so many things now that only days ago seemed unreachable. I was still scared-scared I was going to mess up. They were all watching me and waiting and if I messed up, I would be doomed. But I would just have to learn from my mistakes to become smarter, stealthier. The beginning of success was always a tumultuous field of struggle and dismay, but once you got pass that field everything got better. The sun got a little brighter and your smile got wider. And right now I was directly in that blackened, threatening fear dodging everything that was coming at me full force.

The first time I had been in public only a week ago, I messed up horribly. It was a press conference that confirmed I was the princess. They had harshly fired so many questions at me, wanting to see me crumble, that I nearly had a panic attack. Ike had to carry me off the stage and behind the curtains. The next day I was in the papers and on the news. 'Princess can't take the heat', were the headlines. I cried the entire day. I just wanted to be accepted by them. It felt like since I had become the princess, I wanted their acceptance, matter of fact craved it. It was like ever since having this title, I now ached  for that. But now I realized, I was just me. If I messed up it was okay. I would get better, I would learn.

Half of them wanted to watch as I crashed and burn, but I wouldn't. I wouldn't give them that satisfaction. I was going to show them I could, matter of fact I would make it as far as I could. I wasn't all immature and I wasn't just an intolerable child like most of them thought.

I'm ready. I've always been ready, I just didn't know it until now. I'm doing exactly what my mom said: I'm spreading my wings and I'm flying.

With those thoughts in mind, any nerves that I had left evaporated into thin air. Confidently, I pushed through the curtains staring at the crowd with conviction. I strode across the marble stage feeling all their scrutinizing eyes on me. I'm ready, I know I am. I'm stronger, smarter, and even as we speak  I'm changing, becoming an even better Avril.

I walked over to Ike who was standing at the table where we would answers all the reporter's questions. He had been nicer to me recently and even brought me a dozen roses. Too bad, I hate roses. I like these flowers I had saw running through the forest, which almost got me killed, months ago. But I guess he was trying for the sake of the connection I know, not because he truly cared about me. But even if it weren't for the connection, roses just weren't enough for all the stuff I went through because of him.

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