The Aftermath

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Ike's P.O.V

"Where is she!" Mist burst through the office door. My exhausted stare landed on her, and she only glared at me. Not even my pitiful state was given one ounce of pity. It had been a long night. The so called Nobellains were still in custody but, Avril's two accomplices Zeal and Kaiya had been set free after Mist had literally blew up hearing that they were going to be kept in the castle's dungeon cells until further notice. She managed to punch one guard in the nose and elbow another one in the eye before she was successfully pinned, and seeing her reaction I instantly let the girls go who Mist obviously deeply cared for.

I rubbed my temples already knowing who she was talking about but trying to delay the inevitable. "Where is who?"

Her jaw ticked, and she sniffed loudly. I could tell she had been crying by the puffiness and redness of her eye. She was put on house arrest from what I heard around the house. Servants were huge gossipers. She could only leave the house to go to school and that was it. Her privileges has also been cut so going out with any of her friends was over. She was given the same treatment that Avril had been given weeks months ago. "You know who I'm fucking talk about! Where is Avril Ike!", She yelled, a vein in her neck flexing. Her voice thundered around the room, something that Avril was pretty good at doing, and I winced from the sharp sound. She was angry, matter of fact, she was beyond angry, she hardly ever cussed. That was usually Avril's job.

Her eyes glowed a low black alerting me that her anger hadn't even scratched the surface. I sighed, normally I would've yelled at her back but I just felt exhausted and tired. Rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands, I shook my head. "She's gone," I mumbled, feeling my chest constrict knowing that I was the cause. The guilt was almost suffocating.

I didn't mean what I said. I was just in the heat of the moment and pissed that she had left before I could explain myself and even more pissed because of her crazy antics. She could've died and she didn't even blink twice at that fact. She always went head on into dangerous situations, and she never thought about her well-being. She could've died and I could've lost her before I even had enough time to fully enjoy her. I would never be able to see her smile, kiss her lips, hold her all because....she wanted, needed to find her dad.

I sighed, feelings Mist's heated gaze on my face knowing she was ready to blow.

I wasn't going to lock Avril's dad up once he was well. My dad immediately recognized the man, even though he looked a day over 90. They were best friends my dad had informed me and his highest in command. After hours of staying up, after searching for her and then finding out she had left, I finally realized how deep the need to find her dad was. I would've done the same thing if I knew where my dad was imprisoned at. Especially if I had never met my dad and longed for a parent. Even though Avril never said it, I knew she was looking for a parent figure. And she surely didn't find it from my parents. She looked at my mother as just a wise friend and she hated my dad, the butler, Charles, was probably the closest thing she had. And when she had found him, I had blindly belittled her for it. She was gone, and I was the only one to blame.

Mist finally spoke after very tense seconds of silence. "What do you mean she's gone. Ike what did you do?" She breathed out, looking at me accusingly. I looked up at her, hearing that some of the hostility in her voice had disappeared; however, she still eyed me like any minute she would charge and attack me.

I shook my head, feeling my heart clenching. This was what you called heart ache. I actually felt my heart aching. It felt like heart burn but worst. "I didn't mean what I said Mist, I swear. I was just so angry and-"

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