What Would You Do? ( Picture of Ingel)

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Don't be a silent reader vote and tell me what you think!

This is when stuff starts getting good. Oh yeah!!!

Don't be a silent reader. Vote and tell me what you think.


The last bell rang meaning that school was finally over. A blessing and a nightmare.

Blessing because school is over.

A nightmare because school was over, so I had to go home.

Getting up out of the uncomfortable red, plastic chair, I moped my way to the door and then to the hallway which was filled with happy chattering students.

Why couldn't my life be that easy and carefree? Instead, I had to worry about what would happen when I got home.

"It's damn near child abuse the way my mother treats me sometimes.  I asked for a Benz and she gets me a Mercedes. Really?" The head cheerleader, or head bitch in my case, complained to one of her side kicks. Mentally I groaned. Why did I have to have a locker right by her? I stuck my head in my locker grabbing my books to drown out her irritating voice.

I did not need another headache this week or another confrontation with the queen bee. Last week I had almost attacked her and would've got suspended. This meant Gene would most likely try to give me some discipline, as he likes to explain his beatings. This would then probably end up with him and I actually fighting it out.

Right now I didn't need that type of stress.

"Hey weirdo." I felt a tap on my shoulder. Too late for that headache.

Sighing loudly, I turned around. "What?" I  hissed, irritation clear in my tone.

She scoffed, while flipping her black-dyed hair. "I see you're still wearing those ugly converse from last year." Her friends laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world, and I just blinked unfazed.

Really is that the best she could come up with?

"Seriously that's funny to you? Is that all you got?" I crossed my arms and quirked an eyebrow challengingly. This girl had the worst comebacks. She didn't realize I could break her nose with one strike if I really wanted to.

She smiled maliciously. "No, but what is funny is how your parents left you because they didn't want you so now you're just a poor orphan." She blinked sadly, like she actually cared, turning her lips into a pout.

I felt a tug on my emotions, but blocked it away. She wasn't going to get that sort of reaction out of me. Instead, I'm going to rip that fake black hair of her's out!

I was about to go ape shit on her when I heard a deep, velvety voice. "I don't really see the humor in that. Janet is that your name?" A voice asked.

Janet nodded slowly looking at the figure who had his back to me, eyes wide in shock.

"Oh okay, well bringing up people's past is kind of low don't you think?" He didn't give her time to answer as he continued on. "So maybe it would be in your best interest to take your ingrate, disrespectful self and your little followers some where else and stop harassing people who have done nothing to you hmm?"

I could of have come up with a better comeback then that but I guess it's the thought that counts. I guess.

She gulped and then bowed her head, heat damaged black strands falling in her face. "Sorry, uh hey if you're free, wanna catch a movie?" She asked timidly. WOAH since when was the queen bitch shy? Then I realized it was just another one of her flirting moves.

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