Better In Time

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Leona Lewis - Better In Time

I shut the wasteland of old papers and trash I called my locker and turned around. I almost let out a small scream when Mist appeared in front of me.

"Mist what the hell?" I gasped, putting my hand on my chest feeling like it had almost burst out and ran when Mist nearly scared me half to death.

"Hey, how you doing?" She shyly asked, not making direct eye contact, instead observing the floor.

I smiled slightly at her, shrugging. "The best I can, I guess."

Her eyes connected to mine and she nodded seeming to accept that answer. Gradually, I was getting over the heartbreak. My heart was healing slowly, but surely. I could feel it. Belladonna's and Ike's affection at times still kind of hurt but as time passed it was hurting a little less each and every day. I just wished this heartbroken crap would hurry up so I could be on my merry way and not have to worry anymore.

In an attempt to ease my mind away from the constant dark feelings, I focused on perfecting my powers and learning more about them. Harmony had said my awakening was quickly approaching but she had also said that about three weeks ago so I have no idea to be truthful.

"We're all going out today, you coming right"? With a hopeful look, Mist nervously twirled her fingers.

I looked at that gesture then flicked my attention back to her eyes. Her big brown innocent eyes stared at me with a sparkle of hope that had me clenching my teeth. "Is Ike and Belladonna gonna be there?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

With a sigh, she whispered "Yes", looking down again biting her lip. I stared at her, pondering rather I should go or not. I've missed out on quite a few fun things over the weeks trying to stay away from the happy couple. So maybe it was time to face them head on instead of avoiding them. It's what the Avril I knew would do.

"Sure", I agreed slowly, talking myself into the idea in my head. It was always better to face a situation head on than to simply avoid it. Maybe this heartache wouldn't stop because I didn't have enough closure. I thought me finally letting him go would give me closure, but if anything it made me want him more. My thoughts would still fog with images of him on a daily basis. Maybe if I could see how happy the Golden Couple is and how I was never really wanted then maybe it would finally click in both my mind and heart.

Mist smiled happily at me and grabbed my hand. "Let's go then!" She cheered shooting her hand up in the air. Slowly, I smiled. I couldn't help it, Mist's upbeat attitude had really helped me over the weeks. She took me out of my solitude (although I still liked to be alone) and kinda brought the life back in me that I had lost in my downfall.

She was a really great friend and I will forever be grateful for how she had helped heal me. Yeah, kinda sappy, but whatever.

Mist chatted elatedly about the new cute guy in her history class as we made our way through the crowded school hallways. People made sure they didn't bump Mist, the princess, but could care less for me. However, they got a glare or bump in return. Warm air splayed across my face when we reached the student parking area. The whole gang was waiting by the two cars.

Aeon with his perfected styled light brown hair and dazzlingly blue eyes sparkled with glee when he saw me. "Hello stranger", he grinned at me, wrapping me in a tight bear hug.

"Hey." I faked a smile in return, feeling sort of  bad I had pushed Aeon away too. He had also tried to talk to me during my funk but I had shut him out. He knew the whole story about Ike and me too, along with Nydale. Who know was perched on the side of his car with his arms crossed and his brown eyes scanning me passively, however I knew he was a sweetie at heart and was probably scanning to me see if I was okay. I shot a sincere smile his way and he smiled partially at me, looking away. Ingel stood by Nydale and gave me a small smile.

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