Cheers and Drunk Banters

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Song- Rihanna - Cheers(Drink to That)

This is kind of just a goofy chapter, bear with me everyone lol!

"Wow look at you, someone cleans up nicely. Better than that annoying white gown you wore while you were out of it, although it was a little bit see through, which made me kinda h-"

I threw my hair brush at him.

Aeon ducked narrowly missing my quick assault, the brush hitting the wall behind him. He came back up nonchalantly fixing his tux, not even seeming phased. "I was going to say happy." He laughed, seeing my unamaused look.

"But seriously look at you. Are you ready for your awakening ceremony?" He asked, voice excited.

I shrugged. "I don't even know what happens at the ceremony." I mumbled looking down at my dress. It was less formal than the one I had wore to Ike's ball and came to my mid thigh. It was blue and had a rounded hem, with a belt underneath my bust. I liked it better than the first dress Mist had picked out which was one that basically screamed "whore". She had said something about it catching everyone's attention, but when I walked into a place I wanted people to look at me going "wow, she looks amazing" not "wow, I bet it won't take me long to get her out of those clothes".

He shot me a secretive smile, eyes, the color of a blue sky, glittering. "Don't worry about it, just let the night's events take its course." I frowned but nodded anyways taking his outstretched arm and looping mine through it.

"What are you, my date for tonight?" I teased as we walked down the corridor.

It was the night of my ceremony and to be truthful I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that it was going to be like one big party bash, and it was being held in the Castle's ballroom. Although, not as near as many people are showing up like at Ike's ball, there were still going to be quite a few. After all, the word was that the Aldav's threw the best balls. Yeah, if boring classical music and uptight little wenches was considered aspects of a good ball, then I guess they threw some amazing ones.

At my words, Aeon snatched his arm away from me. I stumbled from the abrupt action not expecting him to pull away from me and would've fell on my face if Aeon would not have righted me at the last moment. I looked at him like he was crazy and he simply smirked at me.

"Naw girl, you know I'm a more than an one woman man. I have to keep my image up and I won't have that image if I'm tied down. Matter of fact..." He pulled out a small black notebook from his front chest pocket on his tux. "I'm trying to score with a brunette, hmm gray-eyed chick tonight."

I leaned over, eyes scanning the pages seeing descriptions of girls and checks by some and blanks by others. "Aeon, what the hell? Do you make up female descriptions and then go searching for them?!"

He gave me a mischievous grin. "You catch on fast. Yes, I do. It's my own little hide-and-go-score game that I made up. See if you look right there, the last time I used this was a couple days ago. I had went to the movies with Nydale and decided to try and find a light-haired brunette with blue eyes. I found her and scored! It's kind of too ea-OW!" Aeon doubled over, after my hit to the stomach.

His eyes looked at me wounded. "Why must you hurt me so?"

I laughed at his expression, shaking my head. "Because you're a pig. I cannot believe you made this little game. You're a man whore, do you know that?"

"Thank-you, that really means a lot to me."

"You'll get a STD messing around like that Aeon." I looked at him seriously stopping our walk and placing my hands on my hips.

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