We Finally Meet

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Song: Mission Impossible Theme Song

"I never knew this was your other power Kaiya." I looked back at her as we marched in a single file line across the dead terrain

Kaiya rolled her pale green eyes, the yellow streaks in them seeming more dull right now."Well it is a pretty stupid power so I don't go flaunting it."

"What are you talking about? It's an amazing power! You can put a force field around us so nothing in this land can touch us!" I looked at her like she was crazy. Being able to block anything was an amazing power. You were like the ultimate defense player.

She shrugged, but from the slight smirk, I could tell her ego was stroked. We continued to walk in the foreign terrain. The reddish ground felt like mud as we trudged on it. With each step it felt like I was sinking. The whole area was silent, no animals, barely any nature, no life. The sky was tinted to a dark green that gave the whole place a foreboding eerie feel to it.

"The gas will start to wear off as we get closer to civilization....if there is any." Mist whispered. In a place like this, you didn't want to be too loud. Who knows what would jump out and get you. We all nodded as Zeal looked down at the navigator. "We should be able to see a..."

A weird building began to appear in front of us as went ascended up a sloping hill. "Woah." I breathed seeing the structure in front of me. A building that soared towards the heavens stood in front of us. It was a dull brownish, gray color. Ridges danced on all the sides and tall tinted windows took over its exterior. The most pointiest roof I ever saw sat on the tall structure that curled around an even taller building.

Kaiya whistled, "woah is fucking right." The building completely stood out in its environment. While the entire planet looked old and word, the building looked futuristic and breath taking.

The force field around us dropped. I let out a breath of relief.  It now didn't feel like we were stuck in a box without any ventilation. "How do we get in?" Mist turned to me questioningly as we sped down the hill trying to find cover just in case.

We found a large pale yellow bush and crouched behind it. I looked at her and then grabbed the papers that were stuffed safely in my deep side pocket. "There looks to be a door on the side that will let us in. Then that door leads down to two whirling staircases and then we would have to go down a hall, down another flight and we should be where the prisoners are being held."

Shocked silence engulfed us before Kaiya huffed. "That's a lot of work." she complained, lazily laying her head on Zeal's shoulder. I glanced around. Surprisingly there wasn't any creatures or anything. It was seriously too easy. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Are you sure you're ready Avril? I mean we've seen other creatures before. You've only seen us and we look pretty much like human beings. But most of these Dynoats and maybe other prisoners you might see do not look anything like us. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to see the unknown?" She raised an eyebrow questioningly, peering at me like a mother would a child that she's about to set free into the real world.

Looking down, I pondered to myself. This was it. I was about to really see creatures that I had never seen before. They would probably looked like they walked right out a science fiction movie and to be truthful, it terrified me. The unknown scares everyone though.....until they face it. So looking up, I nodded and took a deep breath calming breath. The jitters and nerves in my body calmed and I glanced into the cautious brown eyes of Mist. "Yes, let's do this."

 * * * * * *

The door sealed shut behind us as we peered down a poorly lit hallway. A gray tail slithered behind a corner sending a chill down my back. I shivered, sucking in a quiet breath.

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