Emotional Rollercoaster

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Vivian Green - Emotional Rollercoaster

Cool picture to the side of her room >>>>

Glass floated all around me, situated in the air hazardly practically calling me to the. They enticed me to come closer, just a few inches closer, to caress them. But I had already figured out how to get around the glass and had already figured out their trickery. Carefully, I woved and slipped my way through the glass, biting my tongue every time one accidentally glided against me. The sun peaked from over the horizon, creating golden streaks in the morning light.

This time the dream was different, my parents weren't in it, but Ike was. He stood stiffly, hands in his pockets, staring at me with longing that warmed my soul. I was almost out the glass maze and successfully placed my feet on the scratchy grass. A squeal left my mouth as my hair got caught on a shard and uncaringly. I yanked myself forward and pain exploded on my scalp.

I was free but strands of hair laid abandoned on the shard. Sighing, I turned back around. Oh well, it would grow back. Slowly, I walked along the grass, my white dress decorated with cuts and streaks of red but I wasn't worried about my cuts.

Yes, I had some cuts but they would heal. Now, my mind was fully preoccupied on the boy in front of me, whose blue-green eyes were staring at me. Want and happiness slowly appearing in them.

"Ike." My arms wrapped around him. His warmth heating me up in the crisp morning air and his scent, crackling fire with a hint of oranges, filling my nose.

Leisurely his hand glided through my hair and down my back before he squeezed harder, his chin resting on the top of my head. " I missed you . . ." He whispered.

"I missed you too." I could fell happy tears welling up in my eyes. He was here and he was mine.

"Belladonna", he whispered.

My heart stopped hearing him calling for a girl that was not me. I looked up at him, the happy tears now long forgotten. "I'm Avril." I told him with a frown feeling my heart give a painful tug.

His eyes squinted, scrutinizing me before he sucked in an appalled breath and before I knew it his hands touched my stomach and I was roughly pushed onto the grass. I let out a scream, my back colliding with the ground and looked up at him heartbroken. He gazed at me with disgust. "Ike, it's me", I choked, nostrils flaring slightly, feeling a sob about to erupt from me. I rose my hand up, trying to touch him, but he backed away. The loathing I saw in his made my halt my actions.

"He's mine!" Belladonna wrapped her tan toned arms around him. She had literally just appeared out of nowhere. Together, they both glared at me with disgust while I cowered under them, their stature seeming to rise and dominate me. Their shadows blocked out the morning light and casted me in an empty darkness.

"I won", she whispered to me, crouching down and smiling at me victoriously. "He was never yours to begin with and he'll never be yours in the end." She smiled at me, eyes a glowing sapphire. She rose her hand, a dazzling fire ball erupting in it. "He will never be yours!" She yelled violently and I screamed in pain feeling the scorching pain of the fire ball.

I woke up with a start, letting out a slight scream. Rubbing my eyes, trying to rub the dream out of my head, I kicked off the covers angrily. "Bitch!" I screamed setting free my pent up emotions and frustratingly raking my fingers through my hair. Half way through my fingers got stuck in the depths of my tangled hair and I removed them in a fury filled flutter.

"Adapt, adapt, adapt!" I shouted to myself, pinching my eyes shut. However my chant seemed to never work these days so with another scream, I rolled off the bed and was met with a huge surprise.

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