The Game Plan

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"This is really stupid." Mist mumbled grumpily. Ever since we had started, she had played her role as the biggest Debbie Downer ever. Not even sparing her a glance, I continued to observe the papers in the brown folder pushing myself to remember every little detail in that folder.

"This is fucking nuts." Kaiya put her two cents in pushing on her black flat shoes. "Even for my taste, and you know I'm cool with doing anything rebellious and crazy."

I finally looked up only to glare at both of them. "It'll all work out. We'll go to the planet and everything will fine. We all know what we're suppose to be doing, and we know exactly where they are. We have a ship, a navigator, and four kick ass bitches." I tried to boost everyone's confidence up even though mine was also slightly lacking. I didn't show it however. If I did, then this plan would crumble.

From beside me, Zeal patted my shoulder encouragingly. "You're absolutely right, and plus I can make each and every one of us invisible so we can slip through the radar undetected." Zeal was one of Kaiya's friend, and she was going to help make this though- out idea become a reality. She was a tall, lithe Nobellian with a dark bob hairstyle that framed her square face and added an extra twinkle of zeal to her bright blue eyes.  With her ability to make herself or anything invisible, and her thirst for a crazy adventure, she had wholeheartedly agreed to be apart of my reckless plan.

The plan was to go to the planet, find my father, perhaps other Nobellians, and make it back intact.

"Sounds simple enough." I mumbled to myself.

"Doesn't mean it is going to be chica!" Kaiya narrowed her eyes at me hearing me mutter under my breath. "I swear if I die, I'll haunt your fucking ass for the rest of your existence!"

"No need to start threats." Zeal stepped in. Her upbeat positive aurora causing the tension in Kaiya to lessen slightly.

"You guys aren't going to die!" I huffed starting to get annoyed that the girls had no faith in my idea or my ability to keep them safe. "It's going to be as easy as pie. I know how to work my powers and the four of us combined- we're un-freaking-stoppable."

Kaiya pondered to herself, pursing her lips. "Maybe you're right." Secretly I smiled. She loved it when someone stroked her ego.

"And it's not like a Nobellian visiting another planet is unheard of." Zeal added, and I smiled. See, I liked Zeal. She was all for my plan. No nagging and no fussing involved, just what I needed.

"You're being impulsive. I don't even think we've really perfected every small detail in our plan."

Zeal and I groaned at Mist's input. "It'll all work out." Kaiya pushed, finally joining our side. Indifferently, Mist pursed her lips glancing back and forward between all of us. "Fine. Since everyone is against me, I'm in. I want to help you Avril....but have you realized no one knows that we're taking a ship."

"I'll just make us invisible. Then make the ship invisible as we fly off."

Mist glared at Zeal. "Do you know that invisibility is not the answer to all our problems?"

"From what I'm seeing it is." Zeal innocently tilted her head and smirked at Mist defiantly. Feeling like it was about to be a cat fight any second, I smoothly butted in and glanced at my watch, "It's time." I peered up at everyone. They all nodded.

Tension and slight wariness permeated the air as everyone got into position. We all knew this plan wasn't perfect, and we knew we were risking it all. If something went wrong, it would be our asses on the line.

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