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Jungkook walked out after four hours of torcher at his cram school, mumbling curses to himself, feeling really irritated because the teacher actually tried to pick on him, and he couldn't help but get angry even when it wasn't his fault. His math teacher had made fun of him in front of everyone, and he felt like hot lava burning inside him. But he knew, it won't help, for once he's angry, when he tries to explain himself, he ends up crying like a baby.

He checked his phone, and was about to book a cab, when he heard his name being called, and surely, looking up, there the main asshole was, Jungkook thought, as he made his way towards Jason, who was smiling wide. 

'Hey, Jungkookie~ How are you?'

Jungkook didn't say anything, he was getting angrier as seconds passed, he just wanted to do something, anything, and so he walked towards the slightly emptier alley, he knew Jason was following him. 


'Why are you here?'- Jungkook spoke, glaring at Jason without blinking. 

'Oh, it's you who called me!'

'Me? Tell me one thing, when did you lose your mind too, oh, wait, you never had one, did you?'- Jungkook sassed, feeling agitated for no reason. He put his bag down, opened one of the pockets, and took out something without letting Jason see it. Standing up, he faced the smirking male and took a step toward him. 

'You know what?'

'What?'- Jason asked. 

'You're one of the reasons why my life is literally feeling like hell. The main reason for my insecurities, and the beginning of my realization of the fact that you're a big asshole.'- and Jungkook pushed the male hard. 

'What the hell do you think you're doing, huh?'- Jason angrily asked. 

Jungkook chuckled a sarcastic chuckle. 

'I don't know why, but I feel hate, extreme hate towards you, especially when I know what I've done wrong, because of your influence on my thoughts. What's done can't be changed, and I lost someone whom I liked a lot, because of you~ You think, I'll let you go?'- Jungkook said, gritting his teeth, wanting to kill Jason.

'Oh, so little Jungkookie, really liked V, hm?' -Jason laughed. 

'Yeah, I did, and I do.'

'You can't, you're mine or no one else's.'

'Oh, are you gonna kill me?'

'No, I'm gonna destroy you~'- Jason spoke. 

'Then do it, cause you know, I don't care, I FUCKING DON'T CARE!'- with that Jungkook pushed Jason once again, making him fall to the ground, and kicked hard in between his legs which made Jason release a cry of pain. 

'Do you feel it? Huh? It's nothing in front of the pain you've given me. Fuck love, you obsessed psycho. I fucking don't care. Today, either it's me or you!'- Jungkook spoke, before punching Jason on the nose, making it bleed. 

He took out the paper cutter he always kept in his pocket and slid it open, pointing it at Jason, 

'I can kill you right now, but I can't, sadly, don't want to go to jail. But, what if I just poke out your tongue?'- Jungkook asked, however, Jason laughed. 

'You think you'll be able to do anything, one click and I'll send all of the photos that I have of you and that V, and some of you with me too, to your parents, and you will be destroyed!'

Jungkook was about to punch him again when someone pushed him so that he fell beside Jason. He turned and saw Jason's friends, one of whom was now helping the latter to stand up. 

'Can you fight all of us, pretty boy?'- One of the boys asked, to which the others laughed. 

'You're nothing but a mere scaredy cat, aren't you, always roaming around with a group, like a group of dogs~'- Jungkook laughed, but groaned immediately when he felt a harsh kick on his stomach. 

He looked up to see Jason, bending to his level, and the male held his chin harshly. 

'Now look, how I destroy you~'

Jungkook closed his eyes, as Jason held his shirt and was about to tear it apart, when,

'Not so soon, asshole~'

And it didn't take a second for Jungkook to recognize the deep, raspy voice. He opened his eyes, and almost as if there was a spell, Jason was held by the back of his neck, and made to stand, as V looked at Jungkook, with a stare that spoke, 'told-you-surprise!'

'V-v?'- Jason stuttered. 

'Yeah, you can term me as your death too, I don't mind.'- V smirked, before pushing Jason against the wall and punching him twice, hard enough, to make him lose his breath.

Jungkook looked around to see Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Suga, all of whom were beating Jason's other friends, while Jihoon made him stand up. 

'Kook, are you alright?'- Jihoon asked to which Jungkook nodded, wincing slightly when he felt his stomach hurt due to the kick. 

Jihoon pulled up his shirt and looked at his stomach, which had a bluish mark due to the strength of the kick. 

'Look at it, V.'- Jihoon spoke, to which V turned and stared at Jungkook's stomach, before kicking Jason at the same exact point, hard enough to make the other cough blood. 

'This is what you get for hurting him all those times, and for touching what's mine.'- V whispered in Jason's ears, before pushing him down on the ground, and punching him back to back. 

The others were already done, for the 'friends' of Jason ran away after a quick nice beating, but V didn't look like he'd stop anyone, even though it did look like Jason would die very soon. 

'Why don't you stop him?'- Jungkook asked the others, who smiled. 

'No one can ever stop him when he's this angry.'- Namjoon spoke. 

But Jungkook didn't listen, he just did what he thought was the best, holding V's arm, and hugging him from the back, whispering to him to 'stop'.

'Leave me, Jungkook. This fucker tried to do so many things to you, he deserves to die.'- V growled.

'Just let him be, don't get your hands dirty, he's beaten quite enough, we can kill him the next time he tries something like that.'- Jungkook spoke, still back hugging, to which the others chuckled, and the near to fainting Jason widened his eyes, before, 

'I'm sorry Jungkook! I won't ever look at your Jungkook, sir V.'- and with that Jason limped away, as fast as he could, falling over multiple times in between. 

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