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'Where the hell is he???! Tell me what did you do, huh?!'- Taehyung asked, pushing Jason against the wall while holding his collars. 

'Leave him, control yourself, V!'- Jin said, separating the duo. 

'Look, Jason, tell us, what happened to Jungkook, and where is he?'- Jin asked calmly. 

Jason, who was crying till now, wiped his eyes, 

'I don't know, I s-saw Jungkook walking on the sidewalk, more like trotting. I had realized how much I tortured and made his life problematic, and thus, I ran behind him to say sorry. However, he didn't listen, just kept walking as if he didn't hear me. I reached and made him look at me, but...h-his e-eyes, they looked like dead, he looked like he'd lost feelings or something...i-i was apologizing when without listening to me, he continued to walk, this time turning towards the road, even though it was full of traffic...I shouted, screamed his name b-but he didn't l-listen...and...'- Jason cried. 

'He w-was h-hit by a c-car...the driver didn't even stop...'- Jason said, choking on his tears. 

They heard a thud and looked behind to see V crouching on the grounding, pulling hard on his hair. 

Hoseok bend to his level and took him in a side hug, while Jimin asked Jason, 

'Where is he? He's alright, right?'

'I d-don't know. I called the ambulance, and he's taken to the OT, but they said...they'll have to call the cops because it was a hit-n-run. I didn't know whom to contact, but I asked for V Hyung's number from one of my friends and called him because I knew he was related to Jungkook somehow. I'm sorry for whatever I did...I'll just go from here...but please let me know how Jungkook is, I seriously need to apologize to him...'

Jimin nodded and Suga patted Jason's shoulder before the boy went away. 


'Family of Jungkook?'- a nurse asked, and the boys looked up. 

It had been 3 hours since they had been waiting, apparently, V had gone simply limp and numb, not saying or speaking anything, just waiting. 

'Yes. I'm his b-boyfriend.'- V said, standing up in front of the nurse. 

'The doctor is calling you, please follow me.'

They wanted to ask how Jungkook is but couldn't gather the courage, afraid


'Who are you to Jungkook?'

'I'm his boyfriend and they are his hyungs.'

'Alright, please sit down.'

'Doctor, how's J-jungkook?'- V asked hesitantly, crossing his fingers. 

'He's out of danger...but-'

'But what?!'

'Even though it was a hit-n-run there's no knowledge about the driver or the car, and so the cops have suspended the case for a while. However, talking about Jungkook, the accident was severe but he's lucky, he didn't hit his head hard enough otherwise it would have been a problem. He's got a cut on the side of his head, we've cleaned and patched it up. Apparently, he has a broken ribcage, it'll take a month or so to heal, till then I'd say, he should not move, resist moving/bending/or even turning to his sides for as long as possible. Also, his arm is fractured, and there is a deep cut along the length of his leg. We had to give stitches.'

'Can we see him?'

'Well, he's resting and I doubt he'll wake up before 24 hours due to medicines, however, there's something I wanted to ask.'


'Did, by any chance, Jungkook involved in self-harm? Because, well, while treating him up, we saw cuts on his wrist and thighs, while the thigh ones might have come due to the accident, but on the wrist, it's clear they are done by I just wanted you all to figure it out.'

V nodded absentmindedly, while the others looked worried. 

'Don't worry, he'll be fine, we'll wait for him to wake up, he's transferred to one of the rooms, you can ask the nurse and she'd lead you to him. But only one family member is allowed to stay, the rest can meet him once he wakes up.'


'I'll be alright, don't worry hyungs, you all can go. I'll call you when Jungkook's back to consciousness.'

The others sighed knowing he won't agree and left him, not before hugging or patting his back, telling him to take care. 

Taehyung asked the nurse, who walked him over to Jungkook's room. 

He stood there for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and entering inside. The bed was surrounded by curtains on one side, and so he slowly stepped around them. 

The sight in front of him managed to make his eyes teary as he looked over at the stitches on Jungkook's leg, from his knee to his ankle, and then his hand, which was lying on a pillow, covered in plaster. His ribcage had thick bandages, covering most part of his chest, since he was shirtless, while his head was wrapped in bandages. 

Tae walked closer, brushing the pad of his thumb over Jungkook's cheek, where a scar was, and then to the other scratches on his face. 

Wires were attached to the boy's body, he was having an oxygen mask, and his breathing was slow and clearly painful. 

Tae couldn't help but bend to his level, and brush his own cheek against Jungkook's cold one, peppering light kisses all over his face, and that's when he saw his dry lips of Jungkook. 

He slowly removed the oxygen mask before pressing his own hearty ones over the boy's dry ones, breathing into Jungkook's mouth, before licking slightly over them, and pecking him softly. 

He backed off, put back the oxygen mask, and sat beside him, on a stool, holding Jungkook's other limp hand. 

'Wake up soon, my Koo.'- he whispered, before keeping his head on his and Jungkook's intertwined palms and letting his tears flow. 

The first time, he cried, the first time in five damn years, and it hurt so bad. 

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