Lingering hatred Part 4

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"Every extraordinary tale originated from anguish"

Vernon JB Pohl


Hatred can be extremely destructive. The tribulate with hate is that hatred does not solely affect the people around us, hate ultimately affects those consumed the most.

The more we hate, the more that exact hatred consumes us from within. Those you hate move on with their lives, they continue with their daily routines without discerning your hatred because they don't recognize it.

We sit at work with consuming hatred, we head home with this hatred, and we carry that same hatred to our sleep to haunt our dreams.

While we are being consumed by hatred, our adversary moves on with their life. Distrust and hatred are two very separate elements. We may forgive someone for what they have done to us and distrust them simultaneously, we don't have to hate them, but we may never trust them again.

Keep your heart clean of hatred, and you might be surprised with the results in the end.

There's no person on this planet I hate, though believe me when I say, there are very few people I ultimately trust.

'Hate' whether it be turned inward or out, creates a destructive state of mind that wreaks havoc on physical health and emotional wellbeing, similar to a lump of hot coal. The sooner you rid yourself of this toxic emotion, the less damage is done. We get to live a healthier and happier life.

Consumed by hate we live our days;

Desolate as a cone of nothingness.

Gaze in wonder, as your bitterness engulfs;

Engulfs the person you once subsisted of;

Disregarded through pain and anguish;

Will be the existence of the despised.

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