Only in Death Part 17

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Only in death do we realize what life is. 


After my incident wherein I strode on death's doorstep, I woke up more confused than ever. Nothing that I believed and fought for before in my life made sense anymore.

When I was found in my bedroom about 10 hours after I attempted suicide, my body had already gone into the stages of decomposition, the body stiffens, swells up, and leaves a horrid lasting scent that remains in the clothing, and urinal fluids are released.

I was clinically dead!

Before I woke, I witnessed scenes that could be compared to a horrific horror movie. So, when I awoke, I automatically thought it must have been a dream or hallucinations from the medication that I had overdosed on.

Those scenes were extremely vivid, this could not have been a dream.

I forget dreams most nights, but these scenes haunt my nightmares, every single night. I went into a detailed explanation of this experience in my previously published book "The unexpected life" you may read this publishment for more details on this experience.

Upon being released from the hospital, I attempted to pick up the pieces lost in my life. I realized that all the hard work I had done to become successful and all the material possessions I had accumulated over time had no meaning in my life.

Only in death do we realize what life is, these words playing over and over in my mind, consuming my thoughts.

We live life daily, fighting to survive, clashing for success and fortune. Why? What I saw on the other side forced me to realize that this is not worth it! Nothing we do matters! Not even the clothes we wear, because they had to cut off the clothes from my body, my favorite shirt I should add.

None of my material belongings went with me. Whatever you might believe in, an afterlife or not, the things we fight for daily will not go with us when we depart from this existence.

Life is about the small things that make us happy while being here, spending time with family, going outside, enjoying nature, not giving our time to negativity, spending time on ourselves, and most of all, finding ourselves.

We tend to lose ourselves somewhere on the road that is called life, we forget who we are and what makes us happy. That is one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life, I lost myself, and I forgot who I was while fighting to survive.

Live life daily as if it was your last because tomorrow might not be seen.

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