Our parents are not heroes Part 10

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Our parents aren't heroes, they are fighting a daily war just as we do.


I don't have children; I don't particularly enjoy the idea of being a parent.

I believe if you are not mentally, emotionally, or financially stable enough to have children, it's best not to have them at all.

In the end, you will cause more harm than good to another human being, that's just my opinion of what I had to endure during my childhood.

My parents loved me exceptionally, I never said love from a parent is the issue. My problem is the circumstances that are created for a child.

None of us asked to be here, none of us asked to be born, it is two people who decide they want to create life, whether it be by choice or accident, two people chose to go forth and do the deeds that create.

The ones that never asked to be here are the ones who suffer the most by the same hands that created them.

I know not every mistake I made was my parent's fault;

Be honest with yourself and take some blame for how I turned out;

I know it's mostly my fault, but you have to consider and declare that it had to originate from somewhere.

It can't simply be one-sided;

A story always has two perspectives;

It had to have an origin;

It can't be random;

It's not only my fault;

It's a slow escalation.

Yes, I made mistakes;

Yes, it was my choice;

Yes, it was free will;

But where does the root of the problem lie?

Is it all a one-sided story?

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