Emotionally displaced Part 14

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Never be emotionally displaced due to another's emotional damage.


We all have some form of emotional trauma, circumstances are not of consequence. We cannot let others' damage overshadow us.

Now, I am not declaring that we push all people away, I merely believe that some people's emotional damage infects our already fragile minds, affecting us negatively. 

We fight a daily battle of our own, we can't allow anyone to create a space where we feel unloved, undervalued, clustered, or displaced.

I was in a relationship a couple of years back where the person I was with had me push away everyone I loved. This person was so insecure that if I spent time with people other than them, they would be envious, and create unnecessary conflict.

A time came when I had no one left except them in my life. This does not indicate that they are a bad person, this simply exhibits the emotional damage accumulated over time. 

They created a negative environment where their insecurities affected my life, in the process, adding chaos to my already fragile mind.

In the end, I had to decide what was in the best interest of my mental health.

This is what I imply when I declare we all have emotional trauma, but we shouldn't affect one another negatively. We should allow our strengths to overshadow our damage, and be with people that make us better than we were. 

Being emotionally damaged does not cause us to be harmful, it is simply the unfortunate reality that we accumulate over time, due to others that affect us.

If someone's not Emotionally healthy for us, we need to keep our distance, not because we think we, or they, are bad people, but because we fight a daily war within ourselves and don't need someone to overshadow us.

You must remember that we are all individuals, what Ido and say may be correct in my eyes, but in the eyes of another, it might be wrong, it's a matter of perspective. 

We go through different circumstances in life, and our opinions will never be the same. 

We simply have to decide what is healthy for us as individuals.

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