Mental Health Intro

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My personal experiences with mental health difficulties began at a particularly young age. I realized from childhood that anxiety would haunt my mind and physical body for eternity.

As the years gradually went on and life's obstacles came smashing down, my mind ultimately began eroding.

After my divorce and multiple different experiences in my life, I was diagnosed with multiple mental disorders and in the end, attempted suicide, Self-mutilation became a reality, and life became a burden that I wished to escape.

Thoughts and experiences of life and mental health turned out to be the next challenge that I would see through, no matter what came in my direction, I wanted to show people that it is possible to move forward. I was going to give people a reason to fight, a reason to cherish life.

I've had enough of the suffering and the pain.

I want to inspire them.

I am a survivor; I have overcome the worst of the worst. I have gone through hell and back, and I still stand strong.

This is my awareness of mental health difficulties and how it affects our lives.

The importance of mental health is often overlooked by many people who are not affected directly. However, mental health issues are one of the major causes of disability in the world today.

This means that they affect more people than most other diseases or conditions do. Mental illness is also a big factor in terms of lost productivity at work, and even suicide rates can be traced back to inadequate mental health care or treatment for those with such problems ("Mental Health").

If you are a person who has been made aware of mental illness, then you probably know that it can be quite a serious issue to deal with and handle on your own without any help from others.

However, you may not know exactly what kind of details there are regarding this matter, so let us go over some facts about what mental illness actually is, as well as how it affects people both physically and mentally ("Mental Illness Facts").

"No matter how hard life gets, giving up is not an option, our minds are stronger than what we would believe."

There are going to be three sections in this publication, first, we see global mental health emergency contact details, secondly, we will be discussing my interpretation and thoughts on mental health, also helpful ways that may assist with mental health difficulties as experienced by my own struggles, third we will be going through the history of mental health.

I hope that this part brings hope back into your life and that you would see that life is beautiful beyond the darkness that can haunt one's mind.

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