The Diet Part M-17

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Daily goal - Change to a healthier diet.

During the pages of this book, I have discussed how we can find fitness gyms on every corner in every city to maintain physical health yet minimum institutes to maintain mental health.

We have been taught that what we eat will help us look good and feel good, yet not what to eat for our mental health. This scenario is just one of the examples of how we were taught from a young age about the importance of physical health yet not anything about our mental health.

Eating healthy plays a massive role in the maintenance of a healthy mind, and by reducing certain menus from our diets, we can significantly reduce mental health difficulties.

Processed foods are an essential part of our daily food intake, yet certain processed foods are some of the worst foods that we can consume, reducing processed food from our diets may reduce mental difficulties significantly.

Definition of processed food; According to the united states department of agriculture, processed foods is defined as any raw agricultural commodity that has been subject to washing, cleaning, milling, cutting, chopping, heating, pasteurizing, blanching, cooking, canning, freezing, drying, dehydrating, mixing, packaging, or procedures that alter the food from its natural state.

Having the wrong diet can lead to multiple issues in our daily lives, this includes yet not limited to, fatigue, impaired decision making, and slowed reaction.

Some studies have gone so far as to prove that the wrong diet can aggravate stress and depression. This just shows us how important our daily diets are for not only our physical health, but more importantly our mental health.

Processed food, one of society's main sources of intake is full of flour and sugars instead of fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients. We replace breakfast with coffee due to timing, and replace dinner with fast food due to convenience, and in the process, we are bleeding our minds dry of nutrients needed for survival.

This is a sad reality, yet it's the reality of many people's lives.

The sugars in processed food lead to inflammation in the body and brain, and this has been recognized as contributing to the chances of individuals obtaining mood disorders

What do we do when we feel depressed, we reach for that pick me up such as ice cream or a candy bar, or in my case energy drinks. This quick-fix creates more damage than good because sugars might increase the mood momentarily, yet in a few moments we are back to the down feeling, then we repeat.

An endless vicious cycle that drains the happiness right out of us. Break this cycle by changing the mindset in regards to food, rather consume fruits and veggies, or dark green leafy vegetables that are rich in omega 3 and are remarkable brain protectors, or nuts, seeds, and beans that are excellent food for the brain.

These mental boosting foods last much longer than the short boost given by sugars.

It has been proven by some research studies that 95% of the body's supply of serotonin" mood stabilizers" is produced by gut bacteria. This indicates that what we eat has a significant outcome on our mental health, more than most of us could have ever imagined.

Top three food categories for a healthy mind. "Including a selection for Vegans".

Complex carbohydrates

• Brown rice

• Starchy vegetables

• Quinoa

• Beets

• Sweet potatoes

Lean proteins

• Chicken

• Fish

• Eggs

• Meat

• Soybeans

• Nuts

• Seeds

Fatty acids

• Fish

• Meat

• Eggs

• Nuts

• Flax seeds

For Vegans

• Chia seeds

• Blueberries

• Avocados

• Sunflower seeds

• Celery

Tips for a mentally healthier eating lifestyle

- Drastically minimize the total intake of snacks such as potato chips. These types of snacks impair the ability to concentrate.

- Sugary snacks such as candy and soft drinks have to be reduced daily as these cause extreme ups and downs in energy levels.

- Consuming substantial amounts of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados exceptionally supports healthy brain function.

- Whenever hunger kicks in or the urge to consume something rather have a healthy snack such as fruits, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, or baked potatoes.

- Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry, this creates impulse purchasing and then you would overspend on items not needed, and the chances of buying unhealthy products increase.

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