Chapter 1

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America, 21st century

"Don't freak out but I swear he is staring at you."

She was distracted, not listening to her friend. Too busy being deep in thoughts not caring for anything that reality has to give, or better what it hasn't. At least before she had understood who her friend, Alina, was referring to.

Suddenly, panic overcomes her. She hoped he didn't see her staring like a freak at the wall. She asked herself if her makeup was on point and not messed up like it usually is. She has wanted him to notice her for 2 years now, but more than brief eye contact and a few and not so highly inconspicuous staring on her side has never happened anything in particular.

Today everything can change, if he finally decides to approach and talk to her, which she, in her deepest unconsciousness, knows, will never happen. But she hasn't given up on him yet. Her dreams of him, a personality of who he could be, makes her yearn for him even more instead of accepting that he will never be hers in any way. To carry on with her life isn't a current option for her.

What would it be like in medieval - Would he be her knight in shining armor who proposes to her and every night whispering in her ear the most charmante things a damsel could only ask for?

Michael was one of the most popular boys at school. Girls were admiring him; boys were idolizing him. But what they had in common was that everyone loved him.

As she turned around, she caught him gazing at her in a way that made her blush. She turned around immediately and looked at the food in front of her she was craving to eat after a long day of school that is unfortunately not over yet. Due to his staring, she is too occupied trying to not make a fool of herself, she forgets her plate of fries in front of her. Alina is looking at her with concern as if Celine is on the verge of fainting. She's not, is she?

She can't take the pressure anymore and needs to leave as soon as possible so she stands up abruptly, mumbling nonsense excuses to Alina, trying to tell her that they'll see each other after the lunch break in the next class, and leaves without caring to tidy up her plate of food first.

"Wait!" Alina says, but too quietly for Celine to go noticed.

Celine knew she was hyperventilating again and Michael is watching her every step, making her more uncomfortable than she already is.

She exited the canteen as fast as her legs could take her, in need of a hiding place.

Without thinking Celine was in the girls' bathroom, refreshing herself.

Looking in the mirror, you couldn't see the panic going on in her mind right now.

"Dammit, and another time embarrassing myself in front of my crush!" she talks to herself a bit too loud.

After she calmed down, she had to go to her next class, history. Something she was good at, couldn't be said about the other subjects she has. With a fake smile on her face, she left the room to join the other classmates who were probably not even in class yet, buying food at the supermarket to save as much time as they can so the history class would start later.

With her arrival, her presumption was confirmed. She was the only one here, except for some other girl groups who were seen as good examples by the teachers.

After waiting some minutes, the class could finally start.

"Does anyone of you know something about ancient Egypt?" the teacher, Mrs. Crympton asks in the room. Nobody is raising their hands except for Celine.

"Celine, as you're the only one who clearly has knowledge on that matter. enlighten us." the teacher requested nicely.

"Ancient Egypt was founded at the river Nil over 5000 years ago. Pharaohs had reigned over the country until 300 before Christus when Alexander the Great conquered it. Afterward, the Greeks ruled over ancient Egypt. It was also part of the Roman imperium..."

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