Chapter 36

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2 years later

It had been two agonizing years on this ship, still at sea, with no knowledge of shore. There were times when she was on the verge of asking Blade or Cassiel for assistance. But she was aware that this would be counterproductive.

Celine wasn't frightened of Blade, hadn't been in a long time, but if he showed up, not only would she feel betrayed, but she also feared that she wasn't over him yet. What if she lost it once again if he actually came after her to steal her soul? He was entitled to do so because she had spoken these words openly many years before.

She never would have anticipated how her life would turn out when she agreed to the bargain with Blade. She had imagined that instead of being tortured by demons, her existence would be more like being a tourist on a protracted and interesting vacation. Celine was exhausted from never getting a rest.

Although Blade and Cassiel may have left her alone, the other demon has continued to make himself known. At least four times, Celine had caught him on the verge of killing her camel, but she had always managed to stop him.

Unlike the other demons she had encountered, he was unique. Blade is a calm and charming villain who always seems well put together, with not even his hair appearing disheveled. He also always wears a suit.

Celine had only ever seen Cassiel wearing bad slacks and an exposed top, though. She was just aware of his unkempt hair as if he had just woken up. He still had a peppery appearance, which could not be disputed. He wore something unusual, she guessed a green suit, when he picked her up from the Antarctic that day.

They both spoke to her directly and exuded strong, evil magic, which was what they shared in common.

Unlike the other demons she had encountered, he was unique. Blade is a calm and charming villain who always seems well put together, with not even his hair appearing disheveled. He also always wears a suit.

She was pretty certain that this new demon, the demon of death, was unlike any of the others. Even though he only spoke to her for one sentence two years ago, he frequently let her know of his existence. Celine was being tormented by him, and despite her repeated calls for him to intervene and speak to her, he never did.

Fortunately, he didn't harass her constantly. Celine occasionally went weeks or months without noticing this weight in the air during such intervals. However, when he returned, he stayed for days, attempting to make her life even worse since she wouldn't die. Since she occasionally woke up days later, Celine thought he had tried to murder her several times while she slept.

It would have been lovely to wish that it would be her only concern. It might have been worse for her. Nowadays, she could readily catch food. However, the first few weeks were challenging, but eventually, she was able to catch enough fish for the two of them.

Food was still available, but she would rather eat all the fish first. The lack of water or, more accurately, its accessibility was her worst issue. The hardest part was being surrounded by water, but it wasn't drinkable. Dehydration seemed preferable to letting her camel, who was the only other living thing with her, perish.

She would go insane if she lost it. They still had enough water on hand to last around a few months. Celine had no more ideas regarding what to do next, though. She rose to sail without giving it any thought. All she had to assist her in finally finding a secure spot was holding up a map, which didn't help her at all.

She could see farther out today because it was a beautiful day and the waves weren't very high.

Though Celine had never once given up hope that she would ultimately sight land, as the first days and weeks grew into two years, she gradually accepted the fact that it would never happen. Blade's name was on her mind when a storm arrived and brought with it large waves, but thankfully, it never came to this. Instead of pleading for assistance, she was more likely to wind up yelling and attempting to murder him.

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