Chapter 31

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1495 B.C, March

It was much warmer than the Antarctic no matter where she was. She had yet to risk opening her eyes out of concern that she might discover where she was. Two things were the last thing she recalled. The enormous serpent and Cassiel.

She didn't grasp, though, what Cassiel had done in the Antarctic. Nevertheless, he took her out of the igloo and the frigid environment.

I can't be in hell, can I?

Celine struggled to open her eyes, but eventually, she did, and what she saw left her unable to believe what she was seeing.

She was in a room that looked just like the ones she remembered from her time spent living in Egypt. Even though it was difficult, she managed to sit up. When she looked down, she saw that she was lying on an antique Egyptian-style bed.

The question "What the fuck?" She spoke aloud. She questioned why, in the first place, he had brought her to Egypt. Due of his absence, she was unable to obtain a response. The tiny room was empty except for her.

A green, simple clothing caught her attention as she stood up and took a glance around. Other than the sandstone wall, there wasn't much else to see. The color of it was similar to Cassiel's eyes.

"What is it with these demon kings showcasing their symbolic color or whatever it is?" Before Cassiel could claim her as his or do whatever was going through his messed-up mind, she let the dress go with a head shake.

She was dressed in her old clothing without the bulky jacket, but she wasn't completely nude.

She needed to know her specific location and knew she couldn't remain here for very long. She heard noises when she stepped outside the room.

"And after that, he made an absurd offer to purchase my finest fabric."
A woman, a man, and two kids were sitting in what appeared to be the living room when Celine stopped in front of it.

They paused in their conversation to focus on her once she appeared. Celine was too exhausted to try to come up with an explanation for how or why she wound up in one of their rooms or why she was dressed the way she was.

The stool nearly fell off when the woman hurriedly got up. She didn't look away as she got closer to Celine. Celine might have sworn she was ready to smack her in the face as she stood in front of her and looked down at her, but she wasn't about to.

The woman's eyelids began to flutter as if she were going to cry. She then embraced Celine and said, "Oh, my daughter, I missed you so much. I can't believe it took us this long to find you." Celine was hesitant to give her a hug in return since she was so stunned by her behavior.

After some time, the woman let her go and put her hands over her face. "I'm so glad we're back together at last." Celine's outfit caught the female's attention as she peered down. "My dear child, what are you wearing? I'll provide you with a proper dress from my store right now."
Celine was left with no choice but to nod.

That appeared to be sufficient for the woman, who then vanished down the hallway from which Celine emerged. The man encouraged her, "Come sit down and have some breakfast with us!"

She sought reassurance since the scenario was too weird: "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" "I will squeeze the life out of you if my daughter ever asks whether it was okay to eat with her family again." She sat on a chair that was unoccupied next to her ostensibly younger brother without saying a word.

When she looked at him, he was grinning broadly, almost as if she were someone he knew. Celine was observed chewing on some bread while no one spoke to her. Her entire scenario was making her feel uneasy. The unbearable silence was broken when the same woman came back into the room.

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