Chapter 5

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Celine has last seen Michael at the party one week ago. Asking his friends, didn't bring her far. They either told her they haven't seen him neither or that he has better things to do than going to school but no one could tell her if he was alright. At this point she was starting to deeply get concerned for him and swore to herself she will visit him today if he doesn't show up at school. The fear came true, he was nowhere to be found, not at the court to train nor at the school canteen where she usually sees him.

Like always Celine and Joshua were walking in the hallway together and Joshua talked most of the time Celine surprisingly doesn't annoy her anymore, starting to enjoy his constant company.

"Celine, as your brother I can sense your mood changes, believe it or not, and right now that's the case. What's wrong? Is it because I won't be home until late evening due to training for my first upcoming boxing duel, which takes place next week as I've told you around one thousand times already but you haven't seemed to acknowledge any of my words so I have to repeat them over and over again, and now you finally do and miss me already? How cute, I love you too. Give your little brother-in-age a big fat hug. I hope this will make you not miss me that much anymore."  Joshua teased to lighten up her mood and embraced her in the middle of the hallway in a pretty embarrassing hug. This time he didn't heave her up, he crouched down, which made her feel uncomfortable with people who were passing them.

"I'm magically healed. Thank you... Now let me go, I can't breathe anymore. Jesus, you're strong"

But unfortunately, Joshua didn't want to listen to her and squeezed her tighter before he changed his tactics and began to tickle her everywhere to not have a choice but to laugh.

"Now I say you're magically healed, my cute garden gnome." Detected Joshua and truly made Celine happier for a while.

After school they both had to go separate ways, while she was on her way to the library, Joshua wanted to go by bus to the training arena to practice for his fight but their mother came to pick him up. Their mother also offered to drive her to the library and pick her up but Celine refused to change her routine in any way. Celine had other plans than to stay until the daily closure of the library. She secretly wanted to visit Michael to see if he was ok and to give him the present she worked more on it during the week to perfect the results. Now she was contending enough to say it was screaming to be given away.

Mrs. Pepperwood's daughter is still ill so Celine helps out again but today the library is fuller than normal which means more work to do.

"Celine, I have pretty much work to do. Would you go to the dark storage room to get a specific book for a serious buyer, please?"

"I thought it was forbidden for me or other customers to go in there or even buy one of these books."

"Yes, but I have enough to do here helping other people out and can't get the book myself. About not buying, let's say I changed my mind and want you to go and bring it here fast. Don't stay a second longer than needed." With these words, Mrs. Pepperwood handed her the keys and a note with the name of the book Celine needs to search for. Then she turned to the customer who was waiting with barely any patience anymore.

The corridor which she needed to head in was the only place Celine never dared go to after it was strictly prohibited to even come to close the door. Going there felt wrong and caused specific unease in her. The corridor itself was neat but the bright light exposed the dust floating in the air. Reaching the door, she tested around 10 keys until she had found the right one which belonged to the door.

Entering the room, the first thing to notice was the expense of it. Shelves and books everywhere. There were also some movable ladders to reach the books. On the other side of the room were wooden stairs to be found which seem to be old but still intact. Celine couldn't spend more time admiring the room and went on to find the first edition of Odyssey which was located on the same floor. This was disappointing for Celine because she wanted to take a look at the second floor desperately. When she got it, she went straight back to Mrs. Pepperwood but getting there it occurred to her that she could have forgotten to lock the door. But refused to go back to check on it.

"Thank you, Celine, now I got everything covered so you are officially free today. Thank you for your help."

Celine called this time a taxi, not to go home but to drive to Michael after this long day. While she was waiting for the taxi, she checked on her camera app if her make-up was still on point after this long day, what serendipitously was the case, her present hadn't changed its state after being in her school bag for hours now.

Eventually, the taxi arrived some minutes later and drove her to Michael's house.

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