Chapter 22 🍋

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1646 B.C

"Lying like a corpse

Wake up!

And find the source"

There was a chilly breeze in the air. Celine began to freeze in her bed but refused to wake up. As she turned around with her blanket, she draped it over her head and went back to sleep, unconcerned with anything.

After doing so, she slept off once again. Her face, body, and then her feet were slowly shown as her blanket was gradually pulled down until it fell to the ground. Due to her prolonged slumber, Celine didn't appear to notice.

A voice whispered in her ear, "Wake up and go to the royal chamber!"

When Celine started shaking once more, she was suddenly wide awake and gazing into the night. She sat up and attempted to make sense of things. On the opposite side of the room was where her blanket was. Did she dream about the sounds, or was something or someone present?

It urged her to enter the throne room. She questioned the wisdom of going there in the dead of night.

Inside his chamber, Tang was still dozing off. Outside the room, only guards were gathered.

However, she was surprised to find herself getting up and moving towards her door and heading in the direction of the royal room.

She didn't experience any apprehension when she left her room despite the fact that it was so silent.

"Fast or you miss

What you should see

In a bliss"

The voices appeared to be emanating from the walls. The whisper became louder as she moved forward and repeated the same verse several more times, until she stood in front of the throne chamber door. All of the guards were on the ground, still alive but unconcious. Celine could hear voices slowly by silently prying open the door. She could identify Tang's but there was someone else in there.

"Please refrain. Please give me another year; I'm not prepared to leave." He begged. Uncertain of what to make of this, Celine was taken aback. She was unable to see who he was speaking to. She opened the door a little farther, and when she looked inside, she was astounded beyond words to find the same man she had been loathing and longing for years.

It was Blade standing just in front of Tang. But what did he want from her friend?

"Your time here is up. I arrived here to receive what was promised." Blade's voice sounded cold.

"But I have yet to say goodbye. Neither to my kids or to my friend." Fear was evident in Tang's voice.

"For that, you had plenty of time. Now surrender your soul to me, or I'll take it for myself." Blade's voice resembled more of a growl than a hiss.

Celine entered the room right away. Blade had his back to her, and Tang was too frightened to even recognize her. She didn't comprehend what was happening and didn't want to.

"Blade?" It sounded more like a question. Her utterance of his name caused his back to tense, before he turned to face her. She lost recognition of him as their eyes met. He changed. He was no longer this sophisticated villain. He was a menacing monster with an icy gaze that suggested he couldn't remember her.

"Leave. Now!" before returning to Tang, that was all he remarked. Celine acted in opposition. She marched over to her friend, with whom she had spent over eight years. She made a little step forward to shelter him from Blade because she wanted to protect him. "What's wrong with you?" Blade was cited by Celine. He snorted and regarded her as if she were a joke.

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