Chapter 33

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Egypt,1455 B.C,
March (40 years later)

Every day after that, she was tortured by the memory of being deceived by one of Blade's demon servants. She had given up. Since then, Celine had been terrified. She did, especially that day.

How did it manage to locate her and, more crucially, how did it understand her weakness—her love for her brother? Hearing his voice was hard for her, and the accusations she knew they must have had she sought to conceal in her unconscious. Up to that point, it had been successful.

Now, she couldn't stop thinking about these. Even worse was her delusional belief that the devil purposefully avoided her in order to attack when she least expected it.

For forty years, she had suffered from insomnia. When she dozed off and the slightest noises were heard, she would leap up and awaken. She was able to hide it for a while, but eventually even her untrue family became aware of her behavior shift. However, they didn't seem to care because they were close to passing away. In their family, only Celine remained.

Both of the younger brothers passed away. One perished in a street brawl with a slave, the other never reached manhood. Celine had a suspicion that the initial attack had been ordered by his owner. Her word was in opposition to his, nevertheless. Despite the wealth of her family, he had more wealth, which gave him greater influence.

Nonetheless, she was the sole heir to the inheritance. It was supposed to make her happy and give her confidence to live a decent life for a while, but it didn't. It was hazardous here. She was no fool to realize that they had been poisoned while they were on their parents' deathbeds. Celine was also dead the previous evening, but since she was immortal, death never had power over her.

Surprisingly, her parents arrived the next day, but even they were helpless. She hoped she could do something, but she no longer practiced medicine, and she was unaware of the type of poison they may have consumed last night in their wine.

It ought to have been an occasion to celebrate her inheritance rather than the final day before the family line was erased. Celine was concerned that it wouldn't be the last time someone tried to have them killed.

"My dearest daughter," her father croaked. They were more like forced rasps in their breathing. "Save your words, Father. It will just make the suffering worse." He took Celine's hand.

The father faked a smile at that point. "I'm going to die regardless. I don't think it matters," he coughed again. He carefully closed his eyes and said, "The night we found out you were gone, your mother and I thought about the worst."

I love you. Such a lovely daughter you have been. In this world, there are terrible men." He once more opened his eyes and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "They want you dead. Take all the gold you can manage." He turned back, and Celine offered him a bucket just before he puked. Blood, but it was dark blood. He continued to speak strongly and looked her in the eyes while he did so. "Run."

"But I can't leave you here to die alone!" A few tears started to form as Celine squeezed his hand. "You must. They're coming shortly, and they're expecting to find us all dead." He urged, "Take the gold and run." "But—but where?" Celine had never been on her own before. She either went with someone or was teleported by Blade.

"A ship with a variety of cargo is owned by an old friend of mine. You can catch him in the harbor if you depart today. Go with him and don't come back."

Celine objected, "Father-" "Now go!" He continued to cough. He released her hand, and Celine got up from her chair and began to pack her suitcase.

A few of her clothing, but there was still room for gold in them. In case of an emergency, she knew where her father had hidden it.

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