Chapter 10

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"Before my arrival, I intended to apologize for taking longer than usual. But when I came no one was there." He casually fixed the sleeves of his shirt not even caring to look at Celine. He went on. "I'm not one of the most patients - if it wasn't for the intriguing book you left open - I would have been gone by now." The demon says holding the book in his hand.

"Who are you?" Celine asked him.

"I'm asking myself how and from whom could someone like you even get this from." The hot-looking man countered, completely ignoring her question.

"Ok, you're an ignorant asshole. Nice to meet you." She answered the question for herself with a sarcastic tone. The only thing she is feeling towards the demon is no fear as a normal person would be in her situation, the opposite, she's pissed off. At her comment, the demon couldn't hold back a sly grin.

"For someone your size, you have a big attitude disrespecting a demon like that, especially one as powerful as me, Celine Victoria Collins."

"How do you know my name?" Her name he could have found out by sneaking into her room but nowhere here is anything signed with her middle name except for her birth certificate which was in her parents' home office.

"Believe it or not I know everything. Now tell me, Celine, why am I here?" He turned his attention back to her.

"You expect me to open up about my deepest desire while I don't even know your name? No thank you." She stubbornly counters, basically playing with fire.

"Well, well." The demon starts walking across the room but doesn't get too far away from the pentagram as if he's tied to it. He casually continues while looking at her bookshelf frivolously

"I have many names. Some call me Anubis, Hades, Mabuz, and more invented demon names. I have even experienced people referring to me as Satan." Now he comes dangerously close to Celine, she's somehow frozen into place, not being able to move. The tall demon halted in front of her.

"The ones who I've dealt with, no matter whether a fellow demon or human, call me their worst nightmare. You're free to call me this as well."

Then he moved away from her, starting to walk around her room again, observing it with his back to Celine.

"Let's cut the crap. If you don't reveal your name, I'll start giving you them. I promise you, these names are not going to be the 'invented demon ones', more like curses."

The demon with his red eyes turned back to her in slow motion which made him look more like a predator. Celine's words are nothing more than childlike threads to him.

"You can call me Blade if a name is all it takes for you to answer my previous question."

"Is that your real name?"

"No." He immediately answers.

"To know a demon's real name by him telling you so, will give you some power over him, which I have never granted anyone. This, I can assure you, you won't ever find out, nobody will ever."

"What happened to the demons who revealed their names?" Celine wanted to know due to curiosity.

"How often do I have to repeat myself? Tell me why I'm here or I'll leave and whatever your wish is will possibly never be granted." The indifference is back on his face as if he had never shown another emotion before this night.

Celine knew this was coming, she needed to be precisely now or it will be a living nightmare, not knowing what he was capable of.

"I've always been fascinated with history and I desire to experience much of it myself as a time traveler. I want to live an immortal life, starting around 2000 B.C and ending on this day. The conditions I ought for are that I don't wish to leave big changes, for example erasing a whole bloodline or being responsible for a war that wouldn't have happened if I wasn't there. But I do wish to leave little marks. I want somebody to offer me shelter overnight without needing to pay for it. I want to be more seen as a guest living through these millennia. But I'm not looking forward to being all alone through all this time. I want to find love and have a family to call my own." Celine explained her requirements for the deal hoping she hadn't forgotten to mention something.

The deal with the devil - Fear the devils series book 1Where stories live. Discover now