Chapter 18

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China, 1655 B.C

"Where are we?" Celine turned away from Blade.

It looked like a battlefield. There were corpses scattered on the ground and the grass was more red than green. When she looked back at Blade, she noticed he was looking down at their still-entwined hands. Oddly enough, Celine didn't feel disgusted by it.

Blade also made no motion to wanting to let go. But when they both looked at each other again, Celine reluctantly let go of his hand and looked away from him. Eventually, Blade spoke up.

"It's a war between the Xia dynasty and the Shang clan."
"Are we in China?!" Celine looked back at him with astonishment.

"Indeed. Jie, the king of the Xia dynasty is busy on his ground making it more pleasant looking meanwhile Tang of Shang is planning to overthrow him."

"And why am I here? First, I can't speak Chinese. Secondly, why am I on a battlefield? I thought I was some kind of guest and not being in the middle of events."

"You should have been more precise when you made a deal with me. The time you spent in Egypt was more than enough."

Now he slowly turned his head from the battlefield back to Celine.

"If I were you, I would seek asylum in Tang's clan since he will win." he said emotionless.

With that, he walked away from her.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Celine shouted after him.

"There are more places where I need to be. Have fun, Cinderella." Blade didn't even rise his voice - it was sounding like he was standing next to her and was not already a bunch of feet away from her until he disappeared into nothingness.

"Asshole" Celine muttered before heading in a random direction – hoping it would bring her to the Shang clan.

She didn't know how many hours passed but it has already gotten extremely dark. She was now in the woods with no way out - completely lost wandering through the forest.

How the hell do I get out of here? She asked herself, on the verge of crying.

At some point, her feet were too sore and she was too tired to go on. Lying in the open would be her death sentence in some way. She'd either be eaten by predators or freeze to death. None of the options were appealing to her.

When it got eerie quiet, she could swear to hear whispers floating in the wind.

"Whom do we have here?

So small, so weak.

Switch off your light

The light is too bright."

A cold breeze blew past her right shoulder and out of the blue footsteps were heard everywhere all around her.

Celine held her tiny lamp in the air which she had found on the ground next to a fallen soldier earlier.

It seemed these creatures wouldn't come too close to her as long as this light was shining.

"Blade, if you can hear me, this isn't funny anymore. Please come back and get me out." She trembled but kept on walking, never stopping. She knew these shadows followed her every step, waiting for the perfect timing to attack. Not trying to tremble and cry seemed to be a hard challenge. If she tripped and fell, these shadows would attack, she was sure of.

Suddenly, she heard other noises as well - the ones from an owl. When she looked up, she could identify it by its outline since it was too dark and the tiny lamp couldn't light much. It was sitting on a branch, looking down at her.

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