Chapter 14

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Egypt, 2056 B.C, November

This was the last day of freedom. Now it was time to travel back to the palace. After she had checked out she went into the barn to pick her camel up and wait for the guards who were supposed to fetch her.

Hours passed and there still hadn't been signs of them.

"Excuse me, but that's private property. Would you leave with your animal, please? A young and tall woman asked in a friendly but also urgent tone.

"Of course, I'm sorry. My guards should have picked me up but they haven't shown up yet. I guess I have to travel back on my own." Celine answered nervously.

"No worries... You have been there for many hours, are you hungry? If you want, I can go in and bring you some food for your journey back." the staff suggested.

"That would be very lovely, thanks." Celine smiled at her.

It didn't take long before the woman appeared again with a basket filled with bread and water.

"Here you go, but I'm afraid you have to leave now."

"Of course, I'm sorry. Thank you for the food, goodbye." With these words, she started riding out of the barn.

During her journey, her guards never once met her on the way. The total situation is unusual because the wife of a pharaoh needs protection and there is always a chance of her getting lost along the way and never finding her way back home.

It was already extremely hot outside; she could feel her skin starting to burn. Her guards should have been there long before sunrise, but now that she had wasted so much time, she had to ride in pure heat to her destination all alone.

She will talk with Matu. But what if he planned all of this and wanted to get rid of Celine in this way?

He wouldn't do that, Celine tried to convince herself. But after all of his threats, she wasn't so sure of it anymore.

After excruciating hours in the sun and finally seeing the city, she calmed down a bit, but also let her fury at her husband rise.

Normally when she walked around the city, people stared at her but tried not to make it look very obvious or smiled at her. But this time they were looking at her with wide eyes and didn't even try to hide it as if she was an alien. Nobody even smiled at her. She must look awfully if they couldn't even hide their stares.

Reaching the stable of the palace, nobody was there. Not even the boy who was supposed to guard the camels.

After taking care of her camel, she heads to the palace.

In front of the door were two guards outside, eying her with mistrust.

"Who are you and how did you come here?" One of the guards asked, blocking the way.

"Are you for real now?! I could ask the same question. You guards should have picked me up from my vacation, instead, I had to ride home by myself! And don't disrespect me like that. I'm the pharaoh's wife. Now go out of my way  or I make sure that you work the dirtiest job until the day you die." Celine threatened the guard in an exaggerated way.

Her speech made him step back. She took the opportunity and went in, straight heading to the throne room to confront Matu.

When she stepped into the throne room, the first thing she saw was her husband and a young woman kneeling in front of him, giving him a good time.

It had to because otherwise, he would have noticed her already but he was too busy moaning.

"Suck harder, bitch!"

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