Chapter 38

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1450 B.C.
3 years later

The previous three years had been agonizing. They had never discovered a land insight; all they could see was the sea. Celine was worn out, and her camel nearly ran out of water to last for the following week. Her years of sailing were pure torment. Although she should feel grateful for surviving past storms, there were days when she wished she had sunk. This outcome was better than ever calling for Blade again.

One day, she never thought it would happen. Did she dream about the voices of other humans shouting, the smell of food, and the warm feeling of being welcomed?

She then understood that these voices weren't her imagination; they were actually there. She opened her eyes to find curious people watching her from above. She realized she was actually in Greece after getting to her feet and staring at the shore.

She stepped onto firm ground, exhausted and worn out, her emotions a mixture of eagerness and relief. The locals were happy to see them and were appreciative of the large amount of supplies the ship brought.

Celine was welcomed off the ship with applause and cheering. The inhabitants were in awe of the exotic artifacts that suddenly adorned their shoreline. They looked at Celine with interest and gratitude since her presence had brought them unanticipated wealth. They gave her an apartment and a job on a nearby farm as thanks for her contribution.

Celine embraced her new chapter in life and was grateful for the hospitality of the Greeks.. Days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years. Slowly, as time passed steadily, everyone around her started to lose recall of her former existence.

Fifty years had passed since her arrival in Greece. The people who had once celebrated her presence had moved on with their lives, their memories of Celine fading into obscurity. The apartment she called home was now desired by a new family, unaware that it was occupied. It seemed that everyone had forgotten her existence.

One fateful day, as the sun began its descent and painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Celine found herself on the streets, cast out of her home. She huddled in a corner, her heart heavy with despair and loneliness. Tears streamed down her face as she contemplated her forgotten state. She was reminded of how foolish she once was on days like these. If she hadn't stayed and married the pharaoh, she would have never been cursed.

Amid her sorrow, a man appeared before her. His presence offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded her. His voice was gentle as he extended a helping hand. "Come young lady, a beauty given by the goddess Aphrodite shouldn't be sleeping outside." He said in a gentle voice. As she took his extended hand, she realized he was offering her a place to sleep for the night.

Celine accepted the man's offer to get off the cold streets. The man led her through winding alleys until they arrived at a dimly lit and dilapidated building on the outskirts of the city.

Inside, the air was stale, and the walls bore the scars of neglect. "What is this?" Celine turned to look at the man who showed her this abandoned building. "A place to sleep for someone like you." His attitude changed, becoming more aggressive. "What do you mean?" She was confused.

With her question spoken aloud, the man sprinted out of the room to the door outside and locked it. Celine hammered against the door, the darkness surrounding her, making her panic arise. But unfortunately, this man never opened the door, and she was left on her own.

Settled on a worn-out mattress, the weight of her forgotten existence was still heavy on her shoulders. Darkness enveloped the room. Not a single light from the moon or stars could illuminate the room she was in. After a while of being in search, she found a room with a light dim light from outside. This should be the most comfortable sleeping place in this house.

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