Chapter 37

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For a brief moment, it appeared as though she had to confront these attackers alone and that deal hadn't even been done as he vanished from view from one second to the next.

Celine was speechless and unsure of what to do. Had she just struck another deal with a demon? The more pressing question was why he consented to help her. Her thoughts were filled with so many questions that she couldn't help but have a niggling suspicion that he wouldn't be true to his word. He was a demon, after all, a creature known for deceit and cunning.

She nearly served Blade her heart on a plate when she thought to trust him, but he took it, flung it to the ground, and trampled on it like she didn't matter. Despite her refusal to acknowledge it, Celine was still in pain.

She was aware that she had to return to reality. She needed all of the help she could get because the intruders were still around. even if it required striking a bargain with the devil. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, according to an old proverb. She made the decision to trust a devil she didn't know in the hopes that she wouldn't later regret it.

What was the demon's ultimate goal as a result of this, she wondered? What kind of favor was it that he was asking for? Celine couldn't help but wonder what a demon would ask for as she made her best guesses. Would it involve a violent crime, such as the murder of an innocent person? Or something more subtle, like her being used as a powerful object?

She shook her head in an effort to gather her thoughts. It served no purpose to worry about it just now. There was no turning back now that she had made the deal. She only needed to have faith in the devil to fulfill his part of the contract. 

 What about her predicament, though? She was alone on a ship, surrounded by unknown attackers with her camel. Even more importantly, she had no idea who was directing the attack or where the ship was going. Celine couldn't help but have a growing sense of dread. She had to act and take precautions to safeguard herself.

She debated leaving the room for a while before deciding to go see what was happening. Although she wasn't certain if it was the best move, she was unable to remain motionless and wait for the worst to occur.

She stood up from the floor and looked around the room for a weapon. She noticed a little, razor-sharp knife on a nearby table. Although it wasn't much, it was still better than nothing.

A rush of adrenaline rushed through Celine's veins as she grabbed the knife and gripped it tightly. She inhaled deeply before opening the door and exiting into the corridor. Celine couldn't help but be alarmed by the strange silence. She moved stealthily down the hallway, making an effort to blend in as much as she could.

Celine stopped when she got to the top of the stairs leading to the main deck. From below, she could hear voices, but she couldn't understand what they were saying. She hesitated, unsure whether she should walk down and confront the attackers or wait and try to sneak by them.

Celine ultimately chose to gamble. Her chest was thumping as she slunk down the stairs. When she got to the bottom, she peered over the corner to see what was happening.

She was surprised to see nobody on the deck. No one could be seen. Celine carefully crossed the deck while keeping an eye out for any potential threats. But nothing took place. There was no sign of the invaders.

Celine couldn't help but feel relieved and perplexed at the same time. What had happened to them? Had they given up and left? Or were they waiting for her somewhere, ready to strike at any moment? She didn't know, but she knew one thing for certain - she had to stay alert and be ready for anything.

As soon as she had these thoughts, she registered fast-paced steps behind her. Turning around, she could see a huge man running towards her with a sword in his hand.

The deal with the devil - Fear the devils series book 1Where stories live. Discover now