Chapter 29 🌶️

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23rd December, 21st Century

Blade's pov:

For him, Celine got on his nerves the second she summoned him. When she opened her mouth and nothing but disrespect came out, he wanted nothing more than to snap her tiny neck and leave. But instead, he found himself listening to her deal. He knew what she wanted, but even after him saying so, she seemed so assured of herself that he was so eager to take her soul in exchange for the millennia of time travel.

If he had emotions, he should have laughed at her face, called it off, and left. He had a thousand more desperate souls who were foolish enough to sell their souls for almost nothing. And yet, something about her was intriguing enough not to do it.

The second she realized he wouldn't budge, she had her doubts - exactly where he wanted her to be. She won't last longer than a week, were his first thoughts. So he found himself making a deal with her but on his terms. An advantage for him was also that she was as skittish as a little mouse, on the brink of being caught by the cat who was chasing it.

She may have thought to be the one who deceived him, but that wasn't the case at all. On top of that, she, sure enough, was attracted to him. He could practically feel it. But the way she looked up at him with these frightened eyes made him want to have her. Not as someone to have pleasure with, but that her soul would be perfect in a little vase in his cupboard next to other lost and pathetic souls.

Not all souls were meant for him to torture and let them be tortured in hell. Some get eaten instantly if he felt like it - if their life was torture enough. Sometimes he believed he was too generous.

And her blubbering about lovers was almost making him gag. This girl sure enough was a mouthful. One true love in her entire immortal life she should have if she even got to live that long.

China 1655 B.C

That she would be alive for so long was not what he expected. Even in captivity for unnecessarily too many times, she wouldn't surrender. Celine was stronger than he thought. But she would be surrendering eventually, then, even if he had to take matters into his hands.

The day he once kissed her over four hundred years ago, he knew what he was doing. Making her kiss him so hard like she most likely often fantasized about him. And her ignoring that question of him doing things to her was what he wanted to hear.

A big evil demon getting utterly devoted to this specific girl - the dream of every romantic. There was a time people feared him altogether, no matter his looks. In her century, girls wouldn't even hesitate to jump on dicks of psychopaths, as long as they look remotely hot-looking. Celine wasn't an exception.

But after the kiss, he intended to come for her sooner, but business had to be dealt with. As fucked up as it sounded for him, he probably enjoyed the kiss more than he should have. In these hundreds of years, his mind sometimes wandered back to her.

He had no choice but to spend less time with her. He needed to get her out of his system, and only then continue to proceed with his plan to make her fall for him.

When he picked her up to bring her to China, since she had spent long enough in Egypt, to a point of developing a feeling of comfort, he had to take her away. China was the perfect place since he had enough business there.

He usually never teleported anyone with him and when he did, he never took their hands but for his plan, physical touch was the right way to do it. When she hadn't let go of his hand immediately, he couldn't be the one to first let go. Not because he wanted to touch her any longer than necessary, but that wouldn't make a good impression. Yet her tiny hand in his didn't feel completely like a duty. It was quite... warm.

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