Chapter 34

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Celine was abruptly awakened by an uneasy sensation in her stomach. However, finding her way to the bathroom on the ship was a daunting task because she was unfamiliar with the surroundings. As she stepped out of her room, she encountered Ahmed who she promptly asked for directions to the bathroom. Subsequently, Ahmed accompanied her to the bathroom, attracting some curious stares from other passengers.

"I shall wait outside till you are done and I will have someone show you around the ship after supper." Celine thanked Ahmed and went along with her business. Guiding her back to her room, Celine saw what she assumed were workers who looked like they hadn't eaten in a while and had bruises all over.

"Are they alright?" Celine asked, but Ahmed just brushed off the question, saying they were fine and to keep moving. Looking back, Celine knew she had to find out what was wrong but would have to do it when she got used to the layout of the ship better.

When she returned to her room, Celine heard a knock and opened the door to a woman with dark skin and dirty clothes.

"Hello, I am Merideth. Ahmed told me you needed to be shown around the ship?" Celine nodded her head and the tour of the ship began.

Going down back to where Celine was staying, she noticed some steam coming from a room. "Are you going to go into that room?" she pointed to the only place they haven't gone yet. Meredith shook her head, explaining how nobody but the captain and first mate are allowed down there.

The only time the workers can go in there is with permission, but even then, that was rare. Once Meredith guided her back to the room and told Celine that Ahmed would be there soon to talk to her. On the bed were a set of pajamas and clothes for the next day.

Even after a long while awaiting Ahmed, he hadn't shown up. Celine wasn't told to stay in the room and not be able to walk around freely, so she assumed it wouldn't hurt to go out on her own.

Celine carefully opened the door of her room, peering into the dimly lit corridor. The ship's interior was a labyrinth of passageways, and she had no idea where she was going. But their burning curiosity with her urged her to explore and uncover the secrets hidden within the ship's bowels.

Stepping out, Celine took cautious steps, her eyes scanning her surroundings. The ship seemed eerily quiet. The only sounds echoing were the creaking of the wooden planks beneath her feet. As she wandered through the narrow corridors, she couldn't shake off the image of the emaciated workers she had seen earlier. Their haunting faces and bruised bodies etched into her mind, fueling her determination to find out what was happening aboard the vessel.

After some time, Celine stumbled upon a door that seemed slightly ajar. Curiosity got the better of her, and she nuzzled it, revealing a dimly lit space. It was a storage room filled with crates and supplies. But what caught her attention was a small figure huddled in the corner, barely visible in the faint light.

Celine's heart ached as she approached the figure, realizing it was a young boy. He looked malnourished and weak, his eyes reflecting both fear and hope. The sight stirred something deep within Celine, igniting her empathy and determination to help him.

"Hey there," Celine whispered, crouching down beside the boy. "Are you okay?"

As the boy gazed up at her, he appeared surprised and hesitant, betraying a mix of emotions. Celine felt a rush of compassion and anger at the thought of someone subjecting a child to such conditions. From her pocket, she retrieved a small piece of bread that she had saved from an earlier meal on deck, and offered it to the boy, urging him to eat. "You need this more than I do," Celine said, her voice brimming with genuine concern.

The boy's eyes widened, and he gobbled the bread, devouring it as if he hadn't eaten in days. Celine watched him intently, a mixture of sadness and determination filling her heart. She couldn't bear to see someone suffer like this, especially a child.

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