Chapter 35

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"Wait a minute!" Celine just realized the captain had called her by her real name and not Tiy. "How- What did you just call me?" she asked, hoping she misunderstood him. "Celine. I called you Celine, little one."

"But how is it possible?" Celine took a step back as if he was about to attack her. "Don't be afraid of me. I promised to not harm you in any way." she looked at him in confusion, "Promised whom?!"

For a short while he didn't respond, trying to find the right words. "You aren't the only one to make a deal with the devil." As the realization set in, her eyes went wide. "You made a deal with Blade?!"

"Who? I don't know anyone who has this name. I don't know the devil's name either." he shrugged it off. "Then how did he look like?" Celine wanted to know if it was Blade. Because if it was, he planned every single detail to the point of wanting her where she was currently.

"It was dark when I summoned him. But I vaguely remember him to be having black hair and green eyes." This statement didn't make any sense to her since Blade had red eyes and Cassiel blonde hair. "Are you sure?" Celine wanted confirmation. "Yes, I am indeed sure," he replied.

Then it had to be one of Cassiel's servants. But why and how could he have planned all this? Was Celine only a puppet in his game or whatever was happening? "He promised me more wealth and a longer time to live in exchange to take a blonde-haired girl on my ship who would claim to be Tiy for free."

Now Celine took a bigger step backward, shaking her head in disbelief. This was all too much for her. Whether it was Cassiel, Bade, or even another demon, disguised as being a part of Cassiel's realm, one thing was certain. She was a marionette to their game.

"But I didn't go on board for free, I had to pay," Celine spoke out aloud. "Because everything comes with a prize." he mischievously smiled. "But the deal was different. I had to pay!" Celine started to walk back and forth. What would be the consequences and would they affect her or only him, she didn't know.

"Calm down. It is night anyway. Sleep and be happy to be alive." He turned around and left. "Wait, no!" she shouted after him, but in vain. But yet, she had no other choice than to do as said and hope nothing went wrong. She strongly held onto this hope.

After some time, a strange feeling woke her up. Opening her eyes and staring into nothingness in her room, she couldn't decipher whether it was in the middle of the night or already morning. Yet, she was still tired as if something or someone was why she woke up. Still tired to move, her eyes wandered into the room. As she looked in the direction of her door, she could make out someone – tall as a man – in her room. But with another blink of her eyes, he was gone.

What the hell was that? Celine tried to find explanations for this. In the end, it was likely a hallucination due to her being still half asleep. Seconds later, it started to smell awfully like a smell she knew too well. A scent to be recognized and never forgotten no matter how long someone hadn't smelt it. It was death.

She suddenly sat up, her eyes wide, as the stench reached her nostrils. There shouldn't have been this odor aboard the cruise. It typically smelled like fish, never death. Celine was alarmed that it did so right away. She got out of bed and changed before deciding to walk outside. It was silent as she went outdoors. Nothing could be heard. There were no crew yells, no ship cleaning, and not even birds above. Even though it was quite hazy outside, it wasn't any less eerie. Celine made an effort to convince herself that it wasn't dark at least. She searched the area for someone but couldn't discover a single person.

Where is everyone? Celine asked herself. Her mind was debating whether to wait for someone here or take matters into her own hands and go up to some rooms. No, this wouldn't be a great idea. Maybe it was a free day for everyone which Celine wasn't aware of. But to make sure, she wanted to go up to Ahmed's room since he was the captain. But she hesitated. What if everything was fine and she would only disturb him in his sleep? Her thoughts were pushed aside as soon as she heard someone approaching. It was followed by a loud and never-ending cough.

The deal with the devil - Fear the devils series book 1Where stories live. Discover now