Chapter 11

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Egypt, 2060 B.C

Unendurable hotness.

The sun above her - burning her skin - sweat soaking her pajama, transforming it into a swimming pool.

Celine - still half asleep - was disturbed by the light. She was still too tired to open her eyes. Only with effort, she could accomplish it.

The sun - dazzling. It prevented her to see anything except for sand. For Celine it was too much to take in and fainted out of shock.

Later when the sun was fading on the horizon, she came back to consciousness. Mostly due to uncomfortable feeling of having sand in her mouth, she was able to open her eyes again. Only with effort, she stood up and tried to get rid of the sand which was sticking to her wet skin like glue.

After that she could concentrate on her surroundings - observing every part. She couldn't acknowledge where she was exactly, except for the fact that she woke up in the middle of a desert. 

Looking at her arms, she discovered that she wasn't sunburned, although she was laying for hours or even days exposed to the sun.

At least she learned that she's immune to getting a sunburn but she can still feel the pain as if her skin is burning her alive at this very moment. The feeling of pain was what Blade hadn't taken from her. Also, her throat was comparable to the desert in front of her.

She didn't know what to do next, nor did she know in which millennia Blade brought her in.

"Dammit!" Celine cursed in the hope to calm herself down from the situation Blade brought her in.

Couldn't he have deposed me in a better place than the middle of a desert with no people or city insight? She asked herself in frustration.

In conclusion, he probably did it on purpose trying to get this exact reaction out of her. Maybe he is watching her right now - enjoying her suffering. Indicating that this long life isn't going to be the comfortable one she thought she would have.

That exactly thought running through her mind made her boil inside. Normally she didnn't lose her temper that easily but for some reason, she lost it and shouted into the desert to let him know that he will not get her to surrender anytime soon.

"Let the war begin, you motherfucker!"

After eventually calming down she needed to orientate herself and started walking in a direction that she had no clue if it brought her to the next upcoming city -  or just farther away. When the sun was about to fade on the horizon, she started to see pyramids from afar. Was it a mirage or truly a reference point to discover where exactly she was?

Going nearer and analyzing it was the only chance of doing so. As if struck by lightning she recognized the pyramids again. They look more preserved than in the pictures she had seen in school books and the internet; so, her time travel truly worked.

She was filled with regret and sudden surrow -  acknowledging that she was not only separated by a country from her family, but also by millennia.

Standing for a while around half a mile away from the pyramids, she could assuredly identify them - it had to be Gizeh. Built from 2620 to 2500 B. C. At least a little clue of the time Blade dropped her. It's slowly becoming dark and she needs to find shelter because another time sleeping in the sand was a big no-go for her.

She walked for hours on and on, getting uncomfortably cold and more tired with each minute that passed.

Still, no city or human being was around and it was getting dark. The only light to illuminate the desert was the full moon and the stars from above. If it wasn't this bitterly cold and on the verge of almost starving in this eerie atmosphere she currently experienced, she would enjoy the sight way more.

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