Chapter 25 🌶

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It was bitterly cold wherever they were, and a blast of icy air suddenly struck her face. Snow was everywhere, but she couldn't see much more than four feet away from her because of the snowstorm. In addition, she was trembling wildly.

"How dare you, Blade! I believed you! "She yelled at him accusingly. With no sign of being affected by the cold, he turned to face Celine.

"We are not in a battle zone or a dystopian civilization, as I had promised. I, therefore, kept my word." He replied with poise. "I bet you leave me right now once more." She gave him an accusatory snort. You must have better things to do, correct? "Whether you believe it or not, I don't." Celine was surprised to hear that. So you won't abandon me now, she mumbled, her teeth trembling.

"This was not what I had in mind." He then started to proceed directly forward. She yelled, "Where... are you going now? When I tell individuals I won't leave them, a reasonable and intelligent person would comply immediately."  He complained to her. She uttered "I can't" as her muscles became immobile and she was left standing still. He returned his attention to her by turning his head. He asked angrily, "And why not?"

"Because I'm cold and can't move any longer," Celine responded. She was quickly outfitted with several thick layers of pullovers, a large puffy jacket, and a cute headgear to keep her warm. When She looked at her clothes, they were all light blue.

"Thank you," She caught up to his long strides. After some time of traveling, she began to wonder why he would take her to such a location. " Blade"? she asked. She snorted at his nickname for her, "Yes, Cinderella," never understanding why he chose it. But she decided to disregard it this time.

She questioned curiously, "Why did you bring me here?" He initially remained silent before offering her his hand to hold. Celine took it despite being perplexed. For a few more minutes they strolled hand in hand before he responded. "You have endured much suffering over a long period of time." He afterward added. " Consider it a vacation,"

"Why would you be so compassionate and give me that?" she wondered, not trusting him fully. " Don't mistake any of this for compassion," he warned. Blade  gave her a condescending, ignorant stare. "I simply want to be the one to break you," he remarked.

She jerked her eyes away from his and stared into nothingness. She responded, still feeling scared by his words, "By doing that, that's not how to get it." She saw a light from a distance, out of the blue. " What is..." ? she trailed off.  "It's a house." He explained,  grinning smugly at her. "What does a single house in the middle of nowhere do?" she pondered, perplexed. "There are benefits to being a demon king."

The house grew larger and more impressive as they drew nearer. It had a mansion-like appearance but also an idyllic feel. As soon as they got to the door, Blade opened it for them because he already had the keys in his hand. When you entered the house, it was made of gorgeously dark hardwood. Despite the fact that the stairs were enormous and everything seemed unfamiliar, she had a strange sense of comfort. Blade turned on the lights to have a better view.

For ages, she had not experienced electricity. He requested politely, "May I take your jacket off?" Opening it, Celine handed him her jacket to hang in the entranceway closet.

"It is late."  He reaffirmed. "Would you like me to show you around the house or would you rather go straight to your bedroom?" Celine regarded him as though he had sprouted multiple heads. "I'm a freezing ice cube in a house in the middle of nowhere. So, no, I'm not tired." She stammered. Blade gave an acknowledgment nod. "Come with me. After turning around, he entered a room at the opposite end of the corridor.

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